Second Nature Care Blog

Aluminum and Alzheimer's - Environmental Detoxification - Ozone Chelation

[fa icon="calendar'] May 18, 2019 9:08:50 AM / by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

Aluminium foil the heavy metal that is linked to Alzheimer's

Aluminum crosses blood-brain barrier and deposits in the human brain.  It is linked to Alzheimer's disease. What can you do?  

We bioaccumulate several heavy metals from conception to death that cause chronic health problems. Aluminum continues to be a part of our everyday lives as it is in deodorant, cosmetics, pots and pans, medicines, vaccines and food containers.

I'll be presenting an aluminum case at the Naturopathic Environmental Perspectives Conference this week in Arizona. Ozone Chelation is superior to regular chelation and instead of the standard 30 chelation sessions - ozone chelation can reduce the number by 2/3.

We test and treat heavy metals.  We offer low slow gentle chelation and I.V. therapies when the levels need to come down quickly.  We are your Detox Experts.  

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I had a patient 12 years ago with aluminum levels off the charts.  She was over 1200 and normal reference range levels are 0-25.  She could not remember her own name or why she was at my office when she walked from the exam room to the front desk.  Recently, I've had several patients with elevated levels in blood serum from flu vaccines who couldn't think straight.  Everyone chelated and got better.  

All of our vaccines are aluminum free at Second Nature.  

Aluminum is in almost everything we eat, drink, inject or absorb.  Did you know that aluminum sulphate is added to water to improve clarity, to baked goods as a raising agent and in tea, cocoa, wine and sparkling drinks?

I cringe when pregnant patients come in and tell me they are taking antacids like Tums which are rich in aluminum.  Cosmetics, sunscreens and antiperspirants contain doses that get deposited in the nerves, brain, bone liver, heart, spleen and muscle fibers.  

We end up with a "toxic load" or total body burden that knocks out our ability to cope biochemically.  It kills neurons in the brain.  

Early and progressive aggressive Alzheimer's is linked to environmental exposures to aluminum. Read labels and avoid known sources of Aluminum.  Teach your children to "kick the can" and get rid of aluminum.

Read labels.  Don't drink or eat out of aluminum containers.


Topics: Detoxification

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963