Second Nature Care Blog

Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 5, 2016 5:00:00 AM / by Winter Ninivaggi

Metabolic syndrome is a major risk in developing heart disease.

Heart disease is highly preventable even though it is the number one cause of death. It is mainly associated with poor lifestyle, dietary habits and minimal genetic contributions.


The strongest factor for developing heart disease is metabolic syndrome. Although various definitions, the underlying factors of the disease are agreed upon. These include abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance.

A recent study determined that about 49%-52% of adults aged 20 years or older in the United states have full blown or pre- diabetes, with many not even being aware of the condition. People with either have a much higher risk of suffering a cardiac event.

The International Diabetes Federation has been working on a definition utilizing advanced metabolic measures to more quickly and accurately recognize early signs of insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome. The criterion will include abnormal body fat distribution. atherogenic dyslipidemia, vascular dysregulation, insulin resistance, pro-inflammatory states, prothrombotic state  and hormonal factors (pituitary-adrenal axis).

We offer full pre-diabetes and diabetes screenings in all of our offices.  If you want calorie restriction and high levels of protein you can make a great protein shake for breakfast and lunch with Xymogen's OptiCleanse GHI Sugar and Stevia free, OptiMetaboliX, FIT Food Whey or VegaPro. OptiMetabolix offers the best blood sugar regulation.  Chai, Chocolate, Vanilla Delight and Chocolate Mint are delicious flavors that everyone loves.

One of the best treatments is ozone chelation. Both therapies have been shown to reverse Type II diabetes. Chelation removes heavy metals that cause cardiovascular disease and free radical activity. Ozone kills pathogens that damage organ systems including the pancreas. The National Institutes of Health TACT Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy showed that 37% of patients with diabetes out of a total of 1700 patients had a 41% reduction in cardiac events, 52% drop in recurrent myocardial infarctions and 43% reduction of deaths. Chelation should become mainstream treatment for Type II diabetes. All Ozone and I.V. therapies are MD ordered and RN/NP administered in NYS.

Second Nature Care ozone therapy combined with chelation is a proven therapy to reverse cardiovascular disease. Eliminating pathogens and heavy metals with ozone chelation allows your heart to function normally. 

Book Today!

Diabetic Breakthroughs

Calcium and Heart Health in Women

Healthy Heart - Ozone Chelation



*All ozone therapies are MD ordered and supervised and RN administered in the state of New York

Topics: Heart Health

Winter Ninivaggi

Written by Winter Ninivaggi

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963