Second Nature Care Blog

Remember Green Tea?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 23, 2020 11:15:00 AM / by Isadora Guggenheim

Cameron highlands tea plantation in Malaysia







The tea leaves have spoken.

Green tea leaves have revealed new information about how green tea enhances thinking.

Green tea changes short-term plasticity in the parieto-frontal regions of the brain. Short and unsweetened - green tea makes you think better and improves memory.  

Does Green tea prevent dementia?  We don't know, but it is worth drinking it and taking it as a supplement to improve your cognition while you have it.  

Green tea has long been part of cancer prevention protocols, cancer treatment, fibroid treatment and weight loss.  Second Nature patients take Xymogen's Green Tea 600 standardized green tea extract to prevent cancer and improve cognition. Contact us to order!

Contact Second Nature Naturopathic Care

Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea and Your Gut

Maintaining a Healthy Gut

Topics: Healthy Living

Isadora Guggenheim

Written by Isadora Guggenheim

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963