Second Nature Care Blog

Healthy Hearts for Women - Seven Healthy Heart Habits - Second Nature Care

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2015 11:38:00 AM / by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

Keep your heart healthy with these 6 healthy heart habits

Keep thinking about Summer.  The days are longer.  You want a healthy heart so you can run further, jump higher and feel lighter this Summer.  

You just need to integrate seven healthy heart habits to prevent over 73% of coronary heart disease cases and 46% of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol readings.

  • Don't smoke. Did you know that the menstrual cycle influences your craving for cigarettes?  A new Canadian pilot study showed brain activation across the menstrual cycle and found higher activation in the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes during the follicular phase.  When is the best time to quit during your cycle?  In the mid-luteal phase after ovulation when estrogen and progesterone levels are increased.  Anytime is the right time to quit smoking, but quitting after ovulation is easier and reduces the cravings.  
  • Lose permanent weight with our HCG diet.  Get discounts on massages, fat burners and colonics to support your weight loss.  
  • Exercise for at least 2.5 hours a week. Let's strategize together to create the perfect workout for you.  
  • Schedule your first I.V. ozone treatment. Ozone is a recognized treatment to reverse cardiovascular disease and normalize lipid panels. 
  • Don't watch more than 7 hours of television per week.  Besides Downtown Abbey, House of Cards or Homeland, what's left to watch?  
  • Schedule your FREE personalized nutrition consult with me. Go to Fill out the questionaire.  Your passcode is SECOND NATURE. Practitioner name is GUGGENHEIM. It's simple, it's free and takes less than 15 minutes from any device.  Get my expertise for exact formulas with exact dosing and exact timing in your detailed report.  
  • The research still stands by recommending one alcoholic beverage per day if you are not a self-identified alcoholic or have alcohol attachment issues. 

It's never to early or late to start with good healthy heart habits.  Cardiovascular disease and death from it is on the rise in younger women between 35 - 44 because of rising rates of obesity and diabetes. On average, women were about 46 years old when they were diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and only 50 when they were diagnosed with coronary artery disease (decreased blood flow to the heart).  

One of my newest medical weapons of choice for heart disease is I.V. ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is cited in the literature as a valuable treatment in the fight against heart disease. When you purchase an I.V ozone series you get a FREE ozone inhalation during each session.   

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You don't need a crystal ball to predict your health future.  You can take control and adopt these 7 healthy heart habits to live long and strong.  

Topics: Heart Health, Healthy Living, Women's Health

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963