Second Nature Care Blog

Who is Prescribed ADHD Meds and Why?

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 29, 2019 2:00:00 PM / by Isadora Guggenheim


Closeup young woman with worried stressed face expression eyes closed trying to concentrate with brain melting into lines question marks deep thinking. Obsessive compulsive, adhd, anxiety disorders

Even a private insurance company is investigating the jump in this RX prescription.  Up 53.4% in use from 2008 to 2012, ADHD medication is still a hot ticket.  

Who is using it?  Women between the ages of 26 to 34 created an 85% increase in use. I guess Southern hospitality includes ADHD medication because that region prescribed it the most while out West it's only 2.2%.  More than 4.8 million Americans used ADHD medication in 2012.

Why are women using it? The "experts" think that women get a delayed diagnosis in adulthood, they have better compliance with taking the drug compared to men and they might use it for off-label use to reduce appetite. They go on to say,  women "may turn to these medications, or experience symptoms of attention disorders, as a result of keeping up with the multiple demands on their time." No kidding Sherlock!  

Women are forced to create ADHD wiring in their brain because we do everything. This is not an illness; it's the normal level of functioning for women. The truth is that women are biochemically stressed because of societal pressures. As a group we suffer from adrenal burnout, thyroid fluctuations and hormonal shifts because we are pulled in so many directions. Sandwich pressed between teenagers and aging parents - who wouldn't unravel at the seams?

ADHD is linked to elevated lead levels and methylation genetic differences.  At Second Nature Care we test for adrenal function, thyroid function, hormones, methylation differences and heavy metals.  

If you are taking an ADHD medication and want to explore an alternative call our office and we will begin the process.  Many baseline labs are covered by insurance.  

Topics: Healthy Living, Body Health, Women's Health

Isadora Guggenheim

Written by Isadora Guggenheim

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963