I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

A Cure for Alcoholism? The Mechanism Behind Alcoholism

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Dec 31, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Which part of your brain tells you to drink? Find out about the mechanisms behind alcoholism. 

I was listening to NPR last week and heard the podcast about treatment for alcoholism in Russia.

You go to a special doctor-super

vised clinic to have a toxic capsule surgically inserted into your behind. If you drink again after the procedure the capsule explodes and you die. There has to be a better way. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch in the US, researchers have discovered a group of neurons in the brain that determines whether one drink leads to two or three. 

What did they find?

Alcohol changes the structure and function of certain neurons in the dorsomedial striatum - an area involved in goal-driven behaviors. 

Even though alcoholics make up a large club scientists don't fully understand the underlying mechanisms behind alcoholism. 

The main cell or neuron in the dorsomedial striatum have two types of dopamine receptors called D1 and D2. D1 receptors are the green lights or the "go ahead" for behaviors while D2 inhibit action. D2's make you stop, look and listen. 

Dopamine D1 receptors become excitable when you drink large amounts of alcohol and over time they become more active with lesser amounts of alcohol. When D1 becomes excited you want to drink alcohol; you crave alcohol. Drinking stimulates the receptor excitement and the excited neurons cause you to drink more. These neurons get longer branches and physically they shift from moderate spiny neurons into mature mushroom-shaped spines. These shape-shifting neurons store more long-term memories. This mechanism might explain how we bio-chemically learn addiction through stored memory and maybe that is why many alcoholics become sentimental while drinking. 

Long-term memory gets enhanced from drinking. The "Green Light Go" D1 neurons are turned on. 

If you have a larger number of mature spines in in your D1 neurons you have an increased preference to drink large quantities of alcohol. This is the tail that wags the dog. D1 receptors are essential for drinking alcohol. 

If there is a drug or herb that blocks or partially blocks the D1 receptors then you would have a reduced desire to drink alcohol. I have used RX homeopathic formulas that contain Absinthium, Aurum, Medorrhinum, Tabacum, Antimonium, Hyossoyamus, Nux Vomica, Endorphins and more to address alcoholic attachments in patients. Specific to female patients, we administer glutathione drips because alcohol severely decreases glutathione stores in the body in every cell. Glutathione is a major detoxifier and protects the liver against liver damage. 

A Cure for Alcoholism

Maybe every alcoholic beverage should be loaded with D2 receptors or you could take some D2 receptors in capsule form with your next spirit. 

Have a safe New Year's Eve. Don't drink and drive.

It's fascinating to understand the underlying mechanisms and hopefully they will develop novel techniques to address alcoholism and other addictions. Before it gets to the brain it starts in the gut. Start with Good Gut products.  


