I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Advanced Prolozone - Pain Elimination - Second Nature Care

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 15, 2015 1:44:35 PM

I just got back from the advanced prolozone training and I'm more excited than ever.  Now we can . . .

Treat your neck, back, dental and pelvic pain with great results. We're ready to rock ozone on the East Coast. Our equipment is portable so we can bring our expert staff to your corporation for on-site treatment.

CEO's and employees can benefit from I.V. ozone and prolozone therapies during their lunch break. Give us 1/2 hour and we can change your life. It's worth it to be pain-free not to mention experience improved productivity immediately.  Our patients tell us that their brain fog disappears in the first 15 minutes of treatment. Ozone improves cognition by increasing the amount of oxygen to your brain. 

We offer add-ons to your I.V. ozone drip: glutathione pushes, Meyer's cocktails loaded with B-vitamins, chelation and specific amino acids to treat your mood disorder.  

Traveling is difficult these days with security checks, lifting heavy bags and extended wait times at the airport. I work 6 days a week to keep up with our schedule so I was feeling my age by the time I got to Reno. I had some serious trigger points flaring at the base of my skull and a left trapezius muscle that was in chronic spasm. After one prolozone treatment to my affected areas - everything released and I had no pain. 

Second Nature Ozone and Prolozone Therapies

Dr. Enzenbacher and I are excited because Dr. Schallenberger invited us to next February's American Academy of Ozone Therapists Conference to present our ground-breaking technique to treat HPV locally. We'll be featuring our unique brand of treatment and case studies to demonstrate our effectiveness of treatment. 

We are adding pelvic injections to our services for endometriosis, adhesions, scars, bilateral hip and back pain, menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain. 

Address your pain issues safely with ozone and prolozone therapies. We offer bio-identical hormone therapy, specialized treatment for interstitial cystitis and ozone treatment for breast cancer. 


