I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Alzheimer's and Your Brain Microbiome

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | May 12, 2020 5:33:18 PM

Alzheimer's disease or commonly called AD is a progressive disease usually affecting people over 60 years of age. AD is responsible for 75% of all dementia and is the most aggressive neurodegenerative disease. Researchers and clinicians see a build-up of beta-amyloid protein in the brain. 

What causes these clumps of toxic amyloid plaques in the brain? 

Studies have found strong evidence that these soluble peptides are the most neurotoxic species and are causing memory loss and neuron cell death,” says Liviu Mirica, who led the new research. “Plaque formation might be an attempt by the brain to neutralize the threat.”

What is in those plaques? Protein remnants of environmental factors, brain proteins - Amyloid-B, tau proteins and alpha synuclein - the hallmarks of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. 

Pathogens (viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal), environmental noxious chemicals, foods we eat and our gut microbiome, oxygen deficiency, other medical conditions, generalized inflammation and head/neck injuries can increase or decrease our risk of developing Alzheimer's. You could eat gluten or casein present in dairy products and these lectins or proteins react with brain tissue contributing to this neurodegenerative disease. Up to 47 million Americans may already be in preclinical stages of Alzheimer's. So, it's not just genomic predisposition to Alzheimer's; it is the environment - your environment. 

Early onset of AD is driven by genomics as early as age 30 to 60 and specifically due to a mutation in APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 which are responsible for amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, but later onset is related to your total body burden of cumulative toxins. 

Where do these pathogens come from? Your mouth of course. Periodontal bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis can be 7 times greater in the brains of those with AD. It is also found in the blood of AD patients. If you have periodontitis - you have a six-fold increase in the rate of cognitive decline. I look for elevated TNF tumor-necrosis factor, a proinflammatory protein, that can give me a snapshot of blood brain permeability. They found gram negative bacteria in amyloid deposits - Escherichia coli and Samonella typhosa. 

Other infections linked to AD are - Borrelia burgdorferi, Chlamydophila pneumonia, Cytomegalovirus, Helicobacter pylori, HSV Herpes Simplex -1 have been linked to the progression of dementia and AD. I test for all of these infectious agents.

I test for heavy metals in the blood and via provocative urine challenge with chelating agents. Specifically, I look for aluminum, mercury and lead as they have been well-studied as leading causes of brain toxicity. Aluminum is in drinking water, vaccines, cheeses, candies and it binds to the intestinal mucosa and brain. Why can't they make products without aluminum? Longer shelf-life on one hand while our brains form amyloid plaques that affect memory, cognition and ability to synapse. 

If you have multiple chemical sensitivity, you can test for antibodies using Multiple Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen from Cyrex Labs. 

The clinical goals are to identify and remove the triggers of AD. Blood-based biomarkers are now available as the Alzheimer's LINX panel from Cyrex labs to find specific environmental triggers that contribute the formation of amyloid plaque, tau tangles and brain inflammation. 

Alzheimer's foundation is based on oxygen deficiency. I.V. Ozone MAH or medical ozone is part of the treatment. We incorporate German biologics and UBI to address brain pathogens and blood brain barrier damage. 

References: Vojdani, A. Environment and Alzheimer's Disease. Townsend Letter, October 2019.

The research was published in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience.