I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Better Brain Health - Environmental Detox, IV Ozone, Chelation

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jan 14, 2019 6:01:11 PM

The prevalence of Alzheimer's is increasing, what can you do now to stay sharp?

The Alzheimer's Association stated that in the next 40 years as many as 16 million Americans could have Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. they have also reported that there is a record number of early-onset Alzheimer's , or symptoms showing up before the age of 65. So what can be done to maintain good brain health? 

There are many hidden toxins in our homes that can affect our whole health, including brain and memory. Detrimental toxins come from out gassing from furniture, carpet, paint and household cleaners and pesticides/herbicides. Being mindful of what products are used in and around your house can make a huge difference in your health. 

Also, it is important to remember that not only are you consuming or inhaling toxins you are also putting them directly on your body. Lotions, cosmetics and sunscreen can all have a negative effect on health. Parabens are one of the main preservatives used in many personal care products which are known endocrine disruptors.  Using cosmetics and personal care items that are paraben free are a great step to take for your health. 

Reducing environmental toxin exposure and lowering toxic load are not the only ways to keep your brain healthy.  Meditation, neurofeedback, body movement, sleep and learning all have positive effects on brain health and function.  

There has been significant research demonstrating that meditation can positively influence neuroplascticity. Researchers from the National Academy of Science found that after only four weeks the efficiency of white matter and the connectivity of the brain improved.  Keeping your body moving is also a great way to keep your brain healthy, dancing, yoga and even walking/jogging even if only for 20 minutes a day. It can be helpful with stimulating growth of new connections between cells and facilitating information processing and memory function. Sleep allows your brain time to "clean" itself. During sleep your brain cells shrink to open up gaps between neuron and allows fluid to wash the brain clean. 

Aluminum is in almost everything we eat, drink, inject or absorb.  Did you know that aluminum sulphate is added to water to improve clarity, to baked goods as a raising agent and in tea, cocoa, wine and sparkling drinks?Aluminum continues to be a part of our everyday lives as it is in deodorant, cosmetics, pots and pans, medicines, vaccines and food containers. Early and progressive aggressive Alzheimer's is linked to environmental exposures to aluminum. Read labels and avoid known sources of Aluminum.

We test and treat heavy metals.  We offer low slow gentle chelation and I.V. therapies when the levels need to come down quickly.  We are your Detox Experts.

Ozone therapy is a recognized anti-aging treatment that helps to lower blood pressure, improve micro-circulation and gets more oxygen to the brain. Ozone can cross the blood brain barrier to attack pathogens of all kinds which damage the neural glial cells. 

We change your diet, create an exercise strategy and offer weekly treatments to improve cognition. Our patients with strong family history of Alzheimer's and dementia show definite and measurable improvement with short-term memory and cognition. We add in several German biologics to combat brain injuries.

We recognize elevated heavy metals that cross the blood brain barrier as risk factors for Alzheimer disease. We test and treat heavy metal toxicity with I.V. ozone chelation therapy. It's safe, effective, advanced treatment that prevents further damage. All ozone and I.V. nutrient therapies are MD/NP ordered in NYS. 

Second Nature Care Better Brain Health.

Take our "Are you toxic?" Quiz Now!

Alzheimer's May be Multiple Diseases

Alzheimer's Better Brain Quiz

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Shippey, A., MD, IFMCP. (n.d.). Stop the Brian Drain. Medicine Today, 1(3), 6-9.