I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Brain Drain - What causes a dull mind?

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Jun 2, 2016 9:55:30 AM

Are you losing your mental edge?

A recent observational study showed that if you were exposed to any of the following five common pathogens this might be the root cause of your cognitive decline.  We check for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia pneumonia, herpes I, II and 6 along with Epstein-Barr and Mycoplasma pneumonia.  It's important to rule out active acute infection as well as chronic active infections.  Viruses can stay dormant in tissue storage and come out to play when the immune system is down.  Second Nature patients can testify that we check for antibody production for several viruses.

 Patients have rebuilt their immune systems so viral loads are rendered harmless and kept in deep storage.  

Neurologists want to know if there is a connection to increased risk of stroke and what parts of cognition other than memory are impacted by viral loads.  Viruses have been found in several conditions from cancers to Lyme disease to chronic fatigue and autoimmune conditions and ultimate organ damage.  Infections have been linked to elevated stroke risk and they create carotid artery plaque which leads to cardiovascular events.      

Second Nature patients are tested for common pathogens and take Xymogen's Viragraphis, Berbemycin, Brain Sustain and Omega 820 to protect and improve cognitive function.  We offer individualized oral and injectable homeopathic protocols to reduce viral loads.  

Brain cells need oxygen and viruses, bacterium and fungi don't like oxygen. I.V. Ozone therapy with ozone inhalation is the fastest and most effective therapy for Brain Drain. Improve your cognition with ozone therapies.

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