I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month - I.V. Ozone and German Biologics or Salicinium

Written by Isadora Guggenheim & Winter Ninivaggi | Oct 2, 2018 9:00:00 AM

October is breast cancer awareness month!

Every year my mother and I go to the hair salon and get pink hair extensions where the proceeds go towards supporting awareness. This is something you can head to most local salons and ask for! There are hundreds of ways to show your support as well. 

Most people know someone who's life has been affected by breast cancer and it is good to know all the options. That is why every month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Ozone therapies can be a successful part of Cancer Care. We specialize in "chemo clean-up".

Most western trained providers will say that chemo runs its course and leaves the body in less than 2 weeks time. I find that statement flawed because like everything else chemo gets into the bloodstream, goes everywhere the blood flows and embeds in soft tissue throughout the body. The intention is for it to be effective in fighting the cancer short-term, but there is toxic metabolic residue left behind in the tissue. When I begin cellular detoxification or chemo clean-up the patients experienced a "purging of the chemotherapy" from tissue storage. Recently, one patient confided in me and said, "this is really weird, but after our last I.V. therapy session I had diarrhea, nausea and vomiting just like I experienced with the chemo and the funny part was that what came out smelled exactly like the chemo treatments. The patient experienced these symptoms in a milder form for about 2 weeks as her body was strong enough to purge the metabolic residue. She was not scared or annoyed because the detoxification made sense. After the process subsided she said that she felt fantastic like she did before the cancer diagnosis. This patient was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer and originally received 7 rounds of aggressive chemo before ending that treatment because she could not tolerate the side effects. She said that one treatment sent her to the bathroom for 9 days.

While chemo and radiation might be effective in individual cases it is not necessarily safe long-term or affordable. Two of our every 5 patients who follow standard of care for cancer get diagnosed with a secondary cancer. Ozone therapy has been found to synergize with chemo and radiation making it more effective and reducing negative side effects.

Ozone therapy is safe, effective and affordable. Ozone does not cause cancer. All treatments are MD/FNP ordered and administered in NYS.

We construct an individualized treatment protocol that addresses diet, exercise, homeopathic remedies, stress reduction and I.V. Therapies that are compatible with standard treatment or stand alone in your fight against cancer. We look for the root cause of your disease. Every breast cancer case is different and requires different strategies to correct the underlying imbalances. Labs are covered by insurance.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer Biomarkers

Beer and Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer and Your Microbiome