I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Cancer News - Second Nature Care

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Jan 7, 2015 4:00:00 PM

Some explosive news emerged from the oncology field about what causes cancer and why cancer is the best way to die. 

Bad Luck and A Romantic Death 

I was shocked last week when I did my morning Medscape reading by two articles. One study from the esteemed John Hopkins Medical Center said that 2/3's of all cancers were caused by bad luck! Another by Dr. Richard Smith said that "death from cancer is the best."  I posted these articles to two medical groups on facebook because I was horrified and fascinated by the disconnection to reality.  

Needless to say, Dr. Smith received a tsunami of responses to his romantic view of dying.  Most did not agree and like myself was stunned by his insensitivity.  He did advocate to avoid overtreatment from zealous oncologists to keep someone alive at all costs.  He said, "let's stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer potentially leaving us to die a much more horrible death."  This negates the research in pediatric cancers, pancreatic cancer and breast cancer that has saved lives.  

According to the other article we should stop wasting money on finding cures for cancer because they found that 2/3's of all cancers were caused by bad luck at John Hopkins. Researchers used mathematical models to look at mutations during stem cell divisions in 31 different tissues. They found that chance or bad luck trumped inherited genes or environmental factors in two thirds of the tissues observed.   

I must be feeble minded because I thought that cancer was caused by the intersection of our individual genomics and environmental exposures; not randomness.  I still believe that we can change the course of cancer with diet, homeopathic remedies, meditation, healing, ozone therapy, I.V. vitamin C, environmental detoxification and correction of genetic mutations. Even if we don't correct the biochemical switch work we can create loving and supportive measures to embrace life with cancer. Learning never stops and perspective is everything.  

We offer Naturopathic cancer care at Second Nature Care.  Call us with your questions and see if we offer the treatments that you are looking for to regain your health.  We offer Vitamin C drips, I.V. glutathione and I.V. ozone.  

Most patients with cancer struggle with cancer-related depression or questions about why me?  The bad luck card will have a negative effect on their psyche.  I don't think it is helpful for a patient with cancer to think they are unlucky as a means of knowing the disease is not their fault. The rationale is distorted.  

Bacterial Biofilms and Colorectal Cancer

We initially learned about biofilms in children with autism. You have to treat the biofilms to reverse the condition.  Now researchers found bacterial biofilms that contribute to chronic inflammation that cause colorectal cancers.  

Chronic inflammation does cause cancer because the bacteria invade surrounding tissues and create enhanced cellular proliferation.  That is the hallmark of oncogenic transformation and genesis of cancer.

Biofilms are consistent with cancer.  

Biofilm clusters were almost always found on right-sided tumors.  The fecal stream on the right side is more liquid.  This creates increased surface area and maybe the bacteria have a better chance of adhering to the mucosal wall. The right side of the colon or ascending colon is the most difficult to visualize during colonoscopy. This was discussed by the chief gastroenterologist from Duke University on Medscape a few years back. There was a discussion about the limitations of colonoscopy in finding right-sided colon cancers.   

Biofilms are microbial communities that are encased in a matrix and adhere to both biological and nonbiological surfaces. My patients with biofilms have chronic inflammatory bowel disease, tonsillitis, ear infections, sinusitis, urethritis and vaginitis. Researchers found that patients with biofilm-positive tumors also had biofilms on tumor-free mucosal surfaces that were distant from the tumor site.  The beginning of metastates.  

The best treatment for biofilms is I.V. ozone treatments followed by glutathione drips.  We offer direct ozone rectal insufflation to breakdown rectal biofilms in the office or for you to do at-home. You can also schedule an ozone rectal insufflation after your next colonic.  

I do believe that biofilms are part of a protective mechanisn in the sense that it herds all of the pathogens into one location allowing the body to conduct normal physiology.  Biofilms like our intestinal microbiome are made up of diverse bacteria species and not just one aggressive strain.  

Can probiotics prevent biofilm formation in the colon or change cancer signaling?  I'm banking on this and I recommend taking Xymogen's ProbioMax DF daily in addition to a healthy diet, exercise and adequate sleep.  

Red Meat and Cancer - A Mechanism of Action 

There has been a long-term association with eating meat and a higher risk for cancer in people. Researchers at University of California San Diego found a specific sugar in red meat that might create inflammation and cancer in humans.  

The sugar is N-glycolylneuraminic acid or Neu5Gc and it turns out that it is found in most mammals and not us.  Several meats contains this sugar.  The question is if we don't have this sugar in our system are we creating antibodies and inflammation to Neu5Gc, a foreign molecule, when we eat red meat?  

When engineered mice without Neu5Gc were fed NeuGc they developed systemic inflammation and had a five fold increase in "spontaneous liver tumor formation."  

You may want to look for The Beast Burger that I blogged about or order a good protein drink from Xymogen.  OptiCleanse GHI, FitFood Vegan, OptiCleanse Plus or I5 or OptiMetaboliX provide loads of protein, vitamins, minerals and are hypoallergenic.  Ask me which one is best for you.  

Immunonutrition during Chemo and Radiation  

Speaking of nutrition for your immune system for patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation - French researchers have been busy looking at immunonutrition to improve immune cell function and reduce the risk of infections in surgical and cancer patients.  

They gave patients a immunonutrition formula that contained arginine, EPA, DHA and ribonucleotides. Several immune markers were measured and there was a favorable impact on a cellular level. Inflammation was lower, interferon gamma production maintained stable levels, genes for antioxidants, oxidative metabolism enzymes, transcription factors and signaling pathyway molecules were at higher levels. More research will be done, but it is clear that patients can and will benefit from immunonutrition who undergo chemo and radiation.  

Should you remove your fallopian tubes to prevent ovarian cancer?

If you are getting your tubes tied or getting a hysterectomy? Should you go ahead and have your uterine tubes removed?  

Ovarian cancer is silent and by the time you are diagnosed it is usually stage 3 or 4 where you would need to make life-altering decisions quickly.  Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate and is the 5th leading cause of cancer death in women.  Survival rates have not improved over the last 50 years.  

75% of ovarian cancers stem from epithelial ovarian cancer and recent research shows that epithelial ovarian cancer comes from the fallopian tubes and endometrium in the uterus.  This makes sense to me because pathogens could be introduced into the vagina where they then migrate to the uterus and onto the fallopian tubes and ovaries.  It has been suggested that tumors might arise from retrograde menses.  

In an effort to save more lives, physicians in the UK are encouraged to discuss the option of tube removal leaving the ovaries in tact with patients who are at higher risk.  

Cancer deaths have been falling in the US by 22% over the last two decades. This means that 1.5 million cancer deaths were prevented.  We do have better prevention, detection and treatment.  Talk to your ND about cancer prevention and treatment options.  Naturopathic physicians are trained in cancer prevention and treatment options.  

Prostate Cancer and Exercise

The answer is clearly yes.  You can improve your survival by being physically active.  A Swedish study of men who cycled or walked for 20 minutes or more per day had a 30% lower risk for all-cause mortality and 39% decreased risk for prostate cancer-specific mortality.  

It's important to keep moving.  Find an exercise that you like cause I want my patients, both with prostate cancer and who are cancer-free, to do something every day. I'll see you at the gym.