I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Cytokines and the Progression of Pancreatitis - I.V. Ozone and Biologics

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Aug 4, 2017 9:00:00 AM



Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. It can be short lived or last for years. It causes abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Cytokines include substances such as: interferon, interleukin and growth factors secreted by certain cells of the immune system.

The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 is prominent in the development of acute and chronic pancreatitis and also pancreatic cancer. The (IL)-8 cytokine is associated with the severity of acute pancreatitis, although not yet fully understood. Systemic complications of acute pancreatitis are associated with higher levels of IL-8, it also plays an important part in the progression of the disease from acute to chronic stages. According to an article published in World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics several investigations have suggested a crucial role of IL-33 in the pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis and possibly pancreatic cancer.

The cytokine seems to be released in the early stages of acute pancreatitis and may act as a key for immunomodulator of the inflammatory response in sever pancreatitis and associated fibrosis.

Severe acute pancreatitis is often characterized by organ failure, especially renal failure. Although mild pancreatitis is painful, patients are typically discharged in 2-3 days whereas with severe acute pancreatitis, as many as 20%-30% of patients die and the length of stay for these patients can be about 30 days.

The evidence presented suggests that if you change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables and to drink more water, if you have pancreatitis; it will be a much milder form. Also, eating a healthy diet can decrease your chance of even developing the disease.

As we age, our body's ability to produce adequate enzymes declines. When patient's have severe pancreatic insufficiency, they can have a nutritional I.V. of glutathione which bypasses the gut. We can add several German biologics to support liver, gallbladder and pancreatic function. All therapies are MD ordered in NYS.

Besides dietary changes and exercise, some patients take Xymogen's Lipotropix and acid-resistant, non-animal derived PanXyme pH enzymes.

We help you to prevent pancreatitis by changing your lifestyle habits, evaluating your medications and scheduling your new patient consult with same day I.V. Ozone treatment.


Manohar M, Verma AK, Venkateshaiah SU, Sanders NL, Mishra A. Pathogenic mechanisms of pancreatitis. [Published online February 6, 2017]. World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 2017; 8(1): 10-25. Accessed March 21, 2017