I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Dementia Prevention - I.V. Ozone and German Biologics

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Oct 22, 2018 9:00:00 AM

One in Three Seniors will Die with a form of Dementia.

Here are some statistics about Dementia:

  • One in 8 over 65 years old in the USA has Alzheimer’s
  • In 2014, an estimated 5.2 million in the USA have Alzheimer’s
  • Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than men
  • 1 in 6 Women will develop Alzheimer’s
  • Just 5 years ago in 2012, the United States alone spent $200 Billion with Medicare, Medicaid and Out of Pocket Expense for Alzheimer’s and other Dementia care not including Private Health Insurance. This number is projected to go to $1 Trillion.
  • Alzheimer’s can start as early as the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. *

These alarming statistics are sending Dementia research into over drive. Finding preventative measures that may be taken to keep those numbers from increasing. Dementia will soon be the #1 Health risk in the United States.

“'Dementia' is an umbrella term describing a variety of diseases and conditions that develop when nerve cells in the brain die or no longer function normally. The death or malfunction of these nerve cells, called neurons, causes changes in one’s memory, behavior, and ability to think clearly. In Alzheimer’s disease, these brain changes eventually impair an individual’s ability to carry out such basic bodily functions as walking and swallowing. Alzheimer’s disease is ultimately fatal."

New research on the disease is taking a look at it's relationship with blood pressure.  "Lowering blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg might not be a good idea in the very elderly, especially if they have cognitive impairment", according to Philip Gorelick, MD. Cognitive decline is not strictly neuorlogic but, related to cardiovascular health as well.

In addition to blood pressure, Dementia prevention and diet go hand and hand. "According to information presented by researchers at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017 (AAIC 2017), cited in an article published online in Clinical Neurology News, the decrements in brain glucose metabolism that occur in AD “are region-specific. Deficits in glucose metabolism hit the thalamus, temporal and parietal cortices – all pathologically important in AD – particularly hard.” Additionally “[t]he brain glucose deficit isn’t unique to the elderly, or even to patients with AD – it also occurs in those who have a family history of the disease, who carry the APOE4 allele, those with presenilin-1 mutations, and those with insulin resistance and diabetes,” and “[c]hanges in brain glucose metabolism can develop years before any cognitive symptoms manifest and seem to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.”

Diets such as the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet have been found to reduce the risk of AD by approximately 53% and also slowed aging-related cognitive decline.  Ketogenic diets have also been found to reduce the rate of cognitive decline. Cognitively normal healthy older adults experience a 10% reduction in the brain’s ability to metabolize glucose compared to healthy young people.Those with early AD have a 20% decrements in glucose utilization, compared with healthy elders.

You can keep your blood sugar better regulated with Xymogen's CinnDromeX. MonoPure 1300 EC and NeuroActives BrainSustain offer support for comprehensive brain function and health. We can also discuss your dieting and lifestyle habits and work on a plan that would benefit your condition.

We recognize elevated heavy metals that cross the blood brain barrier as risk factors for Alzheimer disease. We test and treat heavy metal toxicity with I.V. ozone chelation therapy. It's safe, effective, advanced treatment that prevents further damage. We have specialized German biologics to support good brain function. All ozone and I.V. nutrient therapies are MD/FNP ordered in NYS.

Second Nature Care Better Brain Health 

Read our "Menu of Services" to check out our options for IV nutrients and Ozone Therapies.

Dementia or Diabetes?

Dieting for Dementia Prevention

Alzheimer's Patients Need to Keep Moving


“Fueling the Alzheimer’s brain with fat.”

Dementia and Alzheimer's is Now an Epidemic in America. (n.d.). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from https://www.worldhealth.net/news/dementia-and-alzheimers-now-epidemic-america/
Otto, M. (n.d.). Higher BP targets suggested for elderly, cognitively impaired. Retrieved October 03, 2017, from http://www.mdedge.com/clinicalneurologynews/article/148123/lipid-disorders/higher-bp-targets-suggested-elderly-cognitively?channel=180&utm_source=News_CNN_eNL_100217_HA&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Appropriate BP control questioned in elderly%2C cognitively impaired