I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Dieting for Dementia Prevention

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Aug 30, 2017 10:44:30 AM

Your health starts in your gut. Dieting to prevent dementia.

Evidence supports that changing your diet can help to prevent Alzheimer's. and even help patients to think and function better. Most of the literature has previously focused majorly on heart-healthy diets which have proven to be successful in preventing and treating hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Eating diets consisting of low-fat, low sodium intakes, diets such as the Mediterranean diet for Neurodegenerative Delay to cut the risk of Alzheimer's are the research "go-to".

New research however is emerging in support of an entirely different dieting method. Ketogenic diet nearly eliminates most fruits and virtually all starchy vegetables, beans, and grains opting for an incorporation of large amounts of good fats from many sources, including olive oil, butter, cream, eggs, nuts, all kinds of meat and fish. The research has found that low fat dieting prevents cardiovascular and endocrine disorders rather than predispose to dementia long term, but the ketogenic diet actually manipulates the brain's energy metabolism system, forcing it to use ketone bodies instead of glucose for fuel.

Dr. Atkins was right!

"In normal energy metabolism, carbohydrates provide a ready supply of glucose, the brain’s primary fuel. When carbs are limited or absent, serum insulin decreases and glucagon increases. This promotes lipolysis. Ketones (primarily beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) are formed in the liver from the newly released fatty acids, and released into the circulation, including into the brain during times of decreased glucose availability – a state characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease." (Sullivan, 2017)

A study conducted in Alzheimer's patients found the a diet comprised of 70% fat (ketogenic) improved cognition in Alzheimer's disease patients better than any anti-amyloid drug that has ever been tested.

"In a small pilot study, Alzheimer’s patients who followed the University of Kansas’s ketogenic diet program improved an average of 4 points on one of the most important cognitive assessments in dementia care, the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–cognitive domain (ADAS-cog). Not only was this gain statistically significant, but it reached a level that clinical trialists believed to be clinically meaningful and it was similar to the gains that won Food and Drug Administration's approval for donepezil in 1996, according to Russell Swerdlow, MD, director of the University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Fairway." (Sullivan, 2017)

You can keep your blood sugar better regulated with Xymogen's CinnDromeX. MonoPure 1300 EC and NeuroActives BrainSustain offer support for comprehensive brain function and health. We can also discuss your dieting and lifestyle habits and work on a plan that would benefit your condition.

We recognize elevated heavy metals that cross the blood brain barrier as risk factors for Alzheimer disease. We test and treat heavy metal toxicity with I.V. ozone chelation therapy. It's safe, effective, advanced treatment that prevents further damage. We have specialized German biologics to support good brain function. All ozone and I.V. nutrient therapies are MD ordered in NYS.

Second Nature Care Better Brain Health 

Read our "Menu of Services" to check out our options for IV nutrients and Ozone Therapies.

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Sullivan, M. (2017, August 23). Fueling the Alzheimer’s brain with fat. Retrieved August, 2017, from http://www.mdedge.com/clinicalneurologynews/article/145220/alzheimers-cognition/fueling-alzheimers-brain-fat?channel=180&utm_source=News_CNN_eNL_082817_HA&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Fueling the Alzheimer%27s brain with fat