I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

HCG Therapy and not Gastric Bypass for Lasting Weight Loss

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | May 9, 2020 4:57:00 PM
 I have several patients who chose gastric bypass to lose weight.  The problem is that they don't learn to eat well and they are left with vitamin and mineral mal-absorption problems for life.
The most recent study shows that calcium absorption plunges after gastric bypass even when patients had optimal vitamin D levels.  Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption in the small intestine.
Gastric bypass affects the skeleton, the hormonal system and nutrient absorption.  There is a dramatic decrease in calcium absorption with corresponding parathyroid hormone increases.
Rethink gastric bypass.  Choose HCG, the safe and effective natural weight loss method for lasting weight loss.    
Dr. Schafer, the leading researcher, is concerned about long-term effects on bone health.  She believes that gastric bypass patients need higher calicum intake daily to preserve bone health.
At Second Nature, we practice good bone health everyday with strength training, alkaline diet and excellent nutraceuticals from Xymogen that support bone and joint health.  We offer I.V. therapies and injectables of vitamins and minerals when you need an extra boost to prevent a mineral plunge.   
 What contributes to bone loss in everyone?
  • excess sodium in the diet
  • soda
  • caffeine
  • smoking
  • excess protein in the diet

How can you practice good bone health? Practice weight-bearing exercise every day. Eat leaky greens, almonds, sesame and flax seeds daily.