I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Do Pesticide Exposures Cause Diabetes?

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Sep 25, 2015 1:00:00 PM

Going organic is a matter of life and health. Find out why. 

Exposure to pesticides increases your risk of developing Type II diabetes. 

Swedish scientists know there is a link between pesticide exposures and developing diabetes later in life. If you are exposed to DDT (common pesticide in WWII and into the 70's) you are 61% more likely to develop Type II diabetes. 

This new information came from a meta-analysis that included more than 80,000 people who had pesticide exposures earlier and then developed Type II diabetes later in life.  

Pesticides accumulate in our fat tissue over time. Even though some pesticides are now banned in some European countries, the initial exposure to pesticides damages the liver, pancreas and muscles.This triggers insulin resistance.

Check with Environmental Working Group to see if your foreign grown food is laced with banned chemicals.

Environmental Working Group - Official Site  www.ewg.org 

Another study showed an increased association between pesticide exposure in pregnancy and increased incidence of diabetes during pregnancy. Diabetes in pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. If you are in early pregnancy and exposed to persistent organic pollutants or POPs you have a 4.4 times increased risk of developing diabetes. 

POPs include: PCB's and organochlorine pesticides. 

There are several ways you can begin to protect yourself and your family from pesticides. 

  • Buy local and organic. Join an organic food co-op, buy a food share from a local organic farm and don't buy any pesticides for your lawn,
  • Make a green drink each day with organic fruits and vegetables. Parsley, cilantro, wheatgrass all help to cleanse the major organ systems. Adding lemon, lime, ginger and cayenne support the removal of pesticides and bio-accumulation in your tissues. 
  • Schedule a colonic at Second Nature. Take the garbage out. Make sure that your colon is functioning well. 
  • Take Xymogen's XenoProtX, Chelex and NAC each day to prevent new exposures from accumulating in your body tissues. 
  • Exercise and sweat daily. Drink plenty of filtered water. You have to move the molecules, increase circulation and improve lymphatic flow. Exercise removes cellular waste. It is a key factor to prevent serious chronic disease. If I can do it you can do it. One of the highlights of my day is to work out before seeing patients. I clear my mind and my body. If you have access to a Finnish sauna all the better. The family that sweats together is a healthier family.  


