I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Are Statins Making You Fat?

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Oct 31, 2019 6:49:00 PM


Big Pharma has been aggressively pushing statins for the past 15 years.  They have been able to dodge bullets from causing elevated liver enzymes, creating mitochondrial dysfunction with a rash of muscle aches and body pains, increasing the risk of diabetes to making users feel generally unwell in less than six weeks. 

Researchers looked at data about individuals who were prescribed statin therapy for high cholesterol because once you take a pill the cholesterol will go down and you're good, right?  

Not so fast.  A new study revealed a truth-out moment. Statin therapy users had increased caloric intake by 10%, their intake of fat shot up by 14% and users had a larger increase in body-mass index (BMI) even though their eating habits remained the same. Their risk of diabetes doubled in another study. Both statins and diuretics were linked to new-onset diabetes by 23%.That got the attention of the FDA who mandated a statin safety labeling change in 2012 to alert the user of an increased diabetes risk.   

Is this issue connected to the fact that a majority of the prescribers, MD's, do not have any nutritional education or they don't counsel the patient about lifestyle changes or is it something else? 

"Physicians might have contributed to this process by shifting the focus of consultations from diet to statin regimen adherence once statin treatment had begun."

Big Pharma was licking it's chops because healthcare reform would bring in new customers who would need new medications. In an Medscape article in 2014 they projected that there would be 14 million new statin users. Including all medications, Big Pharma stands to gain a cool trillion in profits.

At Second Nature Naturopathic Care, we do not prescribe statins. I have a reputation of lowering cholesterol by 100 points in less than 6 weeks without statins. Second Nature patients are motivated to make lifestyle changes and for extra coverage they take Xymogen's CardioEssentials, CoQmax Ubiquinol, Vitamin D3 5000, 5 MTHF, Methyl Protect and CinneDromeX

We implement a multi-pronged protocol to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. We check for elevated heavy metals, especially lead, as lead is linked to hardening of the arteries. We offer specialized testing to get an accurate picture of your blood particle size.