I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Do You Think It or Do You Know It? Asperger's and I.V. Ozone

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Oct 12, 2015 4:23:00 PM

Do you think it or do you know it? This question was repeated several times by one of our new I.V. ozone patients who has Asperger's. I thought it was a brilliant question and one that should be asked of every presidential candidate. Do you think it or do you know it? I wish this 13 year old male patient was in charge of asking the questions at the next presidential debate.

Asperger syndrome, if you are not familiar, is an autism spectrum disorder. It presents with different communication styles that can be restrictive, fixated and repetitive. Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental issues that can be present in infancy or early childhood. Early diagnosis is the goal, but many are diagnosed much later at 5 or 6 years of age. Early intervention is key to management of this condition.

Being on the spectrum means that there is a range of communication and behavorial deficits that can create mild to severe disabilities. Asperger's is considered the mildest form and is associated with highly functioning individuals.

One in 88 children by age 8 will have an autism spectrum disorder. Males are four times more likely than girls to have Asperger's.

Our new patient had anxiety about needles although he has done several I.V. immunoglobulin treatments. He showed excessive interest in the procedure. I showed him each step of the process so he could see the ozone generator and how I injected the saline bag with ozone. He processed the information with gentle prompts from his mom and me.

The cause of Asperger's is unknown, but some interesting findings in this case were that the mom had samonella poisoning early in the pregnancy, patient was slow to develop with milestones and he had a reaction after the MMR vaccine which changed his communication style.
15 minutes into the treatment of I.V. ozone and ozone inhalation the patient calmed down and seemed pleasantly relaxed. He was able to read cooking magazines. He is a true foodie. By the end of the treatment which was about 45 minutes compared to 6 hours of immunoglobulin therapy he talked about coming back for another session the next day. He told his mom on the way out that he was sorry for being so anxious about the treatment.
We don't know what the outcome of this treatment will be, but this is a safe therapy that will bring oxygen into all cells including the brain. Here are some good resources to find out more about Autism, Asperger's and other neurodevelopmental conditions.