I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Do Your Mystery Symptoms Live In Your Gut?

Written by Eva Enzenbacher | Dec 20, 2023 7:08:02 PM


Your gut is first colonized by microbiota by maternal and environmental bacteria while in the womb and during birth and continues to be populated through feedings. It will grow and populate as the child grows into an adult and the types of bacteria presents will affect that person’s life. Thankfully due to rapidly evolving advances in the analytic techniques in microbiology we can understand the incredibly diversity of microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract of humans. In recent years we are beginning to understand just how key our gut flora health is to our overall health and the true extent of the consequences are when that flora is disturbed. Some of these consequences are obvious things like irritable bowl disease and syndrome but some may be surprising. Most recently changes in the quality of your microbiota have been discovered to invoke pathogenesis of a global epidemic: obesity!

At Second Nature Care we offer a deep dive into your flora’s health! Providing insight into your health issues or concerns that have evaded a diagnosis, the issue may perhaps live in your flora. 

We offer GI MAP testing, I.V. Ozone MAH with homotoxicology remedies from Germany. Ozone works directly on the intestinal microbiota to get your gut back into its best shape! 









Quigley, E. M. M. (2013, September). Gut bacteria in health and disease. Gastroenterology & hepatology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3983973/