I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Estrogen and Cardiovascular Health in Women

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 29, 2020 3:43:00 PM

Estrogen protects the female heart.  Now researchers know how it does it. Estrogen, a major female hormone in premenopausal women, inhibits a key receptor that regulates blood pressure.  Researchers found that estrogen talks to estrogen receptors that protect the circulatory system by inhibiting another hormone called aldosterone.  

Aldosterone is a corticosteroid hormone that regulates sodium and fluid blance in the kidneys.  Aldosterone receptors regulate blood pressure. When aldosterone is high in baseline labs there is a concern for increased risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease because high levels can signify damage to blood vessels.    

Estrogen prevents the damaging effects of aldosterone. Estrogen protects against vascular inflammation that can lead to atherosclerosis.  

Researchers are hopeful that they can create an aldosterone antagonist medication that can be used by men and women.  Aldosterone antagonist medications are currently used to treat chronic heart failure and hypertension.  

While modern medicine is busy creating new aldosterone antagonists, Second Nature patients control their hypertension or high blood pressure with Xymogen's natural formulas NiaVasc 750, NOMax ER, Oraxinol, DioVasc and Anginox with no negative side effects.  These formulas are safe for both men and women.

We take your cardiovascular health seriously.  You are important and so is your heart health.  Schedule your cardio consult today.