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Exercise is good for the young and the old - Mitochondrial Renewal

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Aug 7, 2015 8:46:35 PM

My buddies at Planet Fitness have transitioned into middle-aged adulthood as many of them have become proud grandparents. We exercise together and I hear about their wonderful escapades with their grandchildren. As grandparents who exercise they are ideal role models for their entire family tree.They live longer and stronger. 

We do socialize quite a bit at The Planet, but laughing, hugging and talking politics keeps us connected and feeling alive.  

A recent Chinese study found that young girls who exercise get some handsome rewards - lower cardiovascular risk, lower cancer risk and less premature death later in life. 

Women who exercise in their teens and adulthood have the smallest incidence of all-cause mortality.  We know exercise improves your thinking, balance, circulation, breathing, metabolism, strength, endurance, digestion, builds healthy bones and it lowers stress and anxiety. 

It helps to start exercising when you are young and even better when you exercise with a grandparent. It's a great way to spend time and you're more likely to have more time together because exercise for the old increases longevity. 

Exercise reduces the risk for obesity and reduces the risk for obesity-related cancers. 

15 Minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity everyday reduces your risk of death by 22% if you are over 60 years of age. If you exercise for 150 minutes a week at moderate intensity or for 75 minutes at vigorous intensity then your risk reduction climbs to 28%. Those who exercised 1000 minutes per week got a 35% reduction in mortality. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Protection is dose dependent. You only need 15 minutes per day. 

Exercise helps to protect post-menopausal women against atrial fibrillation. Older women who did regular aerobic exercise had an enlarged portion of the brain that controls memory. 

Exercise remains a great solution for permanent weight loss.

A new weight loss procedure that has some red flags . . . . 

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or LSG showed significant weight regain and diabetes remission in a long-term follow-up.

Within 5 years, weight was regained, diabetes reappeared, hypertension came back and high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels were elevated. 

"LSG began as an intervention for high risk patients before they underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and as the first step of biliopancreatic diversion duodenal switch. But doctors soon realized that it could be done on its own, and since then, it has been growing in popularity. But there are still relatively few data on its long-term effects, according to Keidar and colleagues."

Before you sign up to literally get your stomach cut; consider all of your options. Second Nature Care Permanent Weight Loss Programs individualized to your needs and EXERCISE. 

Second Nature patients take Xymogen's Mitchondrial Renewal to enhance their exercise routine. Mitochondrial Renewal corrects DNA damage and amplifies your healthy DNA on a cellular level. Become an Olympian and take Mitochondrial Renewal. 


