I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Get Rid of Your Fears

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 26, 2020 4:30:00 PM

Do you deal with daily anxiety that gets in the way of your life?  

Second Nature Care patients use intranasal oxytocin for anxiety disorders and now there are studies to prove that it works.  

62 healthy left-handed male participants who were treated with intranasal oxytocin after a fear conditioning task had reduced fear responses compared to matched peers who received placebo. They had increased signaling in the medial prefrontal cortex in the brain.

What?  Speak English please.  Patients with anxiety disorders have decreased amygdala inhibition or hyperstimulation during fear responses and they can't code signals correctly in certain brain circuits. Their amygdala doesn't turn off and they keep playing a loop of fear that breeds more fear which heightens the lack of control over anxiety.

Just one single 24 iu dose reduced fear and safety-related responses. Wow!  Second Nature patients with autism, borderline personality disorders and phobias have been using oxytocin with great success.  

Oxytocin down regulates the amygdala a core center of fear in the brain.  

Would you like to have more control over your anxiety? Schedule your appointment to test your neurotransmitters, brain chemistry, and let's see if intranasal oxytocin will work for you. 

Oxytocin is a gift to share with friends and family.  It's the size of lipstick so you can carry it in your pocket or purse.  One spray in the nose everyday and you can spray away your fears.  

You can't always change your level or numbers of stressors each day, but you can change your response to stress with oxytocin.