I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Keeping Kids Dairy Free

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Jun 3, 2020 2:56:00 PM

Got milk? More like "Got gastrointestinal problems?"

Got milk? More like "Got gastrointestinal problems?"

As I'm fond of saying - "milk is for calves".

Elimination diets, with particular focus on removing dairy from your child's diet can be a front-line treatment for pediatric asthma, eczema, constipation, esophagitis, and chronic congestion.

Eliminating dairy is also especially beneficial in children who are at risk for iron deficiency such as premature and low-birth weight infants, children exposed to high levels of lead through ingestion via food and water, and children with a high dairy diet. Calcium can inhibit iron absorption, regardless of whether or not it is ingested through dairy or supplements.

Undiagnosed cow's milk allergy may result in atopic symptoms such as rhinitis, eczema, and gastrointestinal symptoms. 

It can also induce enterocolitis which presents a strong potential for dehydration as a result of frequent vomiting episodes during the first months of life.

Our milk industry is not well-regulated to find illegal chemicals.  Cows are treated with several medicines to fight illness that is fostered by the conditions they are forced to live in and these medications fatten up cattle in less time with less feed.

If you've got milk you are damaging your gastrointestinal tract, supporting barbaric animal conditions and planting the seeds for an antibiotic-resistant apocalypse.  

You can recolonize your gut with Xymogen's GlutAloeMine, IG26DF and ProbioMax 350DF. Repair and recolonize to correct your leaky gut.

These same medications go into you every time you drink a glass of milk.  Some of these chemicals are hazardous to your health and from cow to you perpetuate the rise of antibiotic-resistant organisms. This is bad for everyone.  

There are so many great plant milk alternative milks and cheeses today. My favorites are Kite Hill, Heidi Ho and Treeline. It is easy to redo any family favorite recipes.

Clean your blood from toxins with ozone therapies. Ozone catches and kills bacteria, viruses and fungal infections while it leaves your healthy cells alone. Second Nature Care Environmental Detox.

All I.V. ozone therapies are MD supervised and RN administered in NYS.