I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Give Me Your Tired for IV Ozone Therapy

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 11, 2020 3:30:00 PM

Give me your tired and we'll give you IV ozone therapy.  Do you know what causes disease and aging? Decreased oxygen utilization.  

What is oxygen utilization?  As we age or become ill you have less oxygen in your body and you can't utilize the oxygen that you do have. It does not get to the cells. Less oxygen means more free radicals and more systemic inflammation with less energy production. The difference in your health at twenty something and seventy something is your level of oxygen utilization.  The key to the prevention of disease is optimum oxygen utilization.  Oxygen is used to treat disease.  There are over 5000 citations in the literature to show that ozone therapy is safe and useful for a multitude of chronic conditions.   

What conditions are treated with ozone?  

Coronary artery and cardiovascular disease, claudication, macular degeneration, aging, chronic viral, bacterial and fungal infections, gangrene, autoimmune conditions and pain, pain and more pain.  

The clinical signs of decreased oxygen utilization are shortness of breath with exertion, exercise intolerance, sensitivity to cold, decreased temperature and dehydration.  All of these symptoms mirror thyroid conditions.  

Besides diet, strategic supplements, exercise and energetic medicines, I.V. ozone therapy gives immediate relief.  Dr. Schallenberger, M.D. demonsrated several times during his seminar the "miracle of ozone".  Doctors and nurses from all over the world filled the seminar.  Dr. Schallenberger drew up his magical formula and injected it into shoulders, hips, knees and ankles followed by 40 gamma 10 ml of ozone.  Of those injected many had instantaneous pain relief.  Relief that they didn't have for years.  

Bring us your chronic pain in your hips, shoulders, knees and ankles.  The ozone machine is cranked up and ready to go.  

I.V. Ozone safe and effective - it works.