I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Got Milk and Breast Cancer? Drinking milk is hazardous to your health

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Sep 23, 2015 8:57:03 PM
Before we hit the main topic I ran across a new study that found an oncogene that disrupts the circadian rhythm and metabolism in cancer cells. Many of our patients with cancer can't sleep. I follow the standard recommendations of prescribing 10-20 mg of melatonin at bedtime.
The fact is - Cancer doesn't sleep and neither do the patients who have cancer. 

Myc, an oncogene, disrupts the normal 24 hour body clock. University of Pennsylvania cancer researchers found that Myc-driven cancers bind to key genes in charge of your daily clock. These oncogenes upregulate another clock protein called REV-ERBalpha which tricks the cells into replicating all the time with no rest. The cells don't know day from night. Melatonin is a critical piece to reset your body clock if you have any kind of cancer. Understanding this mechanism should lead to better timed cancer treatments that are more effective and cause less side effects.

Burning Mouth Syndrome - Do you have it?

I have seen this condition in patients with breast cancer after chemo treatments, in older patients and in patients with acute autoimmune flares. Some medications that cause burning mouth syndrome are: cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, gentamicin or amikacin. Burning mouth syndrome is more prominent in women at a ratio of 7:1. It is more common in people who have oral yeast infections, in smokers, drinkers of alcohol and caffeine and eaters of spicy foods. Menopause, B-vitamin, iron and folic acid deficiencies, Type II diabetes, hypothyroidism and high blood pressure medications are systemic associations to this condition. 

A recent double-blind study from Spain has shown that 200 mg three times per day totaling 600 mg/day of Alpha lipoic acid was effective in treating burning mouth syndrome


Alpha lipoic acid efficacy in burning mouth syndrome. A controlled clinical trial. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2015;1;20(4): e435-440.

What's all the fuss about drinking milk and breast cancer? 


Bulk milk tanks at large dairy farms contain bovine leukemia virus. Women who drink milk with this virus are 3.1 times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not. This risk factor is higher than obesity, hormone replacement therapy and drinking alcohol. 

Researchers analyzed breast tissue from 239 women. 59 percent of the breast cancer cells had exposure to bovine leukemia virus. Last year, this group of researchers found that bovine leukemia virus could be transfered to humans because of more sensitive testing. The virus infects cow's mammary tissue and blood cells. 

Mammary glands in all mammals store every environmental exposure. They should be called memory glands. 

As far back as 2007, the US Department of Agriculture found that 100 percent of bulk milk tanks that had over 500 cows tested positive for bovine leukemia virus. 

Our immune system begins in your gut. If it is overun with viruses and other pathogens your immune system cannot function well. What you eat and drink matters. Support your immune system with my 21 day Good Gut program. 

I would not wait for the association between bovine leukemia virus and breast cancer to be proven beyond a doubt. I would make a shift now. You don't want milk contaminated with bovine leukemia virus. 

It's pretty clear that your odds go up for breast cancer if you continue to drink milk. Who knows whether organic is really organic? Several drugs are used in the cattle industry that become undetected and allow the organic label to be stamped on the carton. Consumers are not guaranteed that those undetectable drugs did not leave a bio-chemical imprint that negatively impacts human health. 

When someone pressures you to drink cow's milk you can say no thank you because you do not want another exposure to bovine leukemia virus. Make it a teachable moment. There are several high calcium content foods that are better alternatives to cow's milk. Sesame seeds, leafy greens, sardines, nut milks - almond milk contains 56% more calcium than cow's milk. 

Schedule your breast cancer prevention consult for next month during Breast Cancer Awareness month. 


