I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Spilled Milk Truths - Height vs. Obesity

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Jan 4, 2015 3:00:00 PM

A new US study found that 9,000 preschoolers who drank 3 or more cups of cow's milk per day got a small height boost.  The punchline is that they are more likely to overweight or obese.  

I am not surprised because today's milk is very different from your grandmother's free range cows.  Filled with growth hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals known to shut down our mammalian metabolic furnace, milk has a heavy dark side that runs countercurrent to American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations. Cow's milk has been linked to prostate cancer, an increased risk of fractures, obesity, gastrointestinal issues, eczema and psoriasis, Type I diabetes, post-nasal drip and recurrent ear infections.  

We can test for immediate and hidden food allergies.  Take the guesswork out and find out for sure. Some tests are covered by insurance.  If you're tired of your symptoms find out if you have food allergies/sensitivities.  

53% of the study children consumed two to three servings of milk daily.  Four-year-olds who drank more than two servings per day were 16% more likely to be overweight.   

Consumers have been educated and know that plant and seed-based milks are higher in omegas, lower in fat and are significantly more calcium-rich compared to cow's milk.  The best milk is breast milk, but I don't think the FDA is going to allow breast milk to be used to make ice cream, cheese and butter.  

Until the experts figure out that cow's milk is really for calves aside from chemical contamination issues, you can explore either buying plant and seed-based milks or making your own from soaked nuts.  I've made nut-based cheeses and ice creams that are absolutely delicious.  I recommend that you buy all milk unsweetened.  Have fun experimenting with milk and milk products made from hazelnuts, hemp, flax, coconut, almonds, rice, oats and cashews.  

Maybe the new dairy council slogan should read "Got milk? Get Fat."  

The fastest way to clean your colon from milk residue is by getting a colonic.  Book your colonic and reset your microbiome.