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Healthy Apps

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | May 13, 2016 9:08:27 PM

Some great health Apps you might want to check out!Here are a couple health and fitness "apps" that are available free for both iPhone and Android users. Summer is knocking at the door and having a little extra motivation on our cell phones is a great way to keep up with your nutrition and work outs. We use our phones for absolutely everything, why not to stay healthy?


This is an app that offers a wide variety of workout options ranging from strength training and cardio, to yoga and stretching. It also provides the option of personalizing your work out based on multiple factors about yourself such as what sport you play, how high of an impact you can handle, if you are pregnant, etc.. It also provides the user with individual reminders and incentives to keep you motivated. The workout routines are accompanied by narration ensuring that the exercises are clear. It is a great app for you and your physician to use to meet your goals and keep your health on track.

The workouts require no training or extra equipment. You choose the length of the workouts and your target areas. Try it out, even if it is just for 5 minutes a day!


This app is super cool! It is a self-contained CPR training course. Its videos offer a concise review of the American Red Cross basics, and unlike other available CPR apps, it also uses a mobile device's built-in accelerometer to deliver real-time feedback on the depth and pacing of users' practice chest compressions. This is a must have for anyone who wants to be able to perform CPR. It is best for those who are able and certified ,but would like to brush up on their skills as well.

Last but not least, my favorite that I actually use myself..


I personally love this app for many reasons, it is honestly so easy to use that there is no reason not to. It helps to keep track of what you have eaten that day and provides a detailed list of calories, sodium, fat, protein etc. that you have consumed and the total. It has an incredibly large food database allowing you to find specific brands of foods. It lists over 5,000,000 foods and is growing daily. It even connects with your FitBit and other accesories. The app is able to track your steps per day and allows you to interact with friends to stay motivated. I could talk all day about the benefits of this app but you should definitely check it out. 


If you are not happy with your weight or fitness habits Second Nature Care can do comprehensive testing to discover food allergies you may have that are causing inflammatory weight gain and work out a diet and exercise plan that is right for you. The HCG diet is also a great way to kick start weight loss.

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