I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Healthy Heart - Ozone Chelation Therapy - Second Nature Care

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Feb 14, 2015 2:00:00 PM

Happy Valentine's Day. Did you know that ozone chelation  therapy is recommended for cardiovascular disease? Whether you have angina, chronic coronary artery disease, intermittent claudication or microvascular disease ozone chelation has been used successfully. 

Why does ozone chelation work?

Ozone chelation provides anti-coagulation from the EDTA (chelating agent and is great for removing high lead) and heparin.  The treatment increases oxygen delivery and improves endothelial function to the heart. Vasospasms are decreased to the heart because of the addition of magnesium.  The thickness of the blood is decreased and improves blood flow to the heart. Ozone chelation eliminates infected fragile plague. Lastly, ozone chelation increases oxygen utilization directly to the cardiac cells.

Ozone eliminates serious pathogens that can damage the heart and chelation removes heavy metals that cause cardiovascular disease.  Together, ozone chelation is a winning therapy for a healthy heart.  

Most people think about ozone treatment for chronic infections.  Yes, that is true and it is indicated for cardiovascular disease. We offer ozone chelation which addresses viral, bacterial and fungal infections and an added bonus of chelation which removes heavy metals that cause hardening of the arteries and cardiac events.  

Our patients love this double-pronged approach to reversing cardiovascular disease.  It saves them time and money and we hope saves lives. If you have not tested your heavy metal status yet you can with a simple non-invasive provocative urine test.  Just call me to pick up your kit and chelating agents based on your body weight to get an accurate measurement of heavy metals in tissue storage.  

Both men and women are still dying of cardiovascular disease which is preventable with naturopathic protocols.  Second Nature Care ozone therapy combined with chelation is a proven therapy to reverse cardiovascular disease. Eliminating pathogens and heavy metals with ozone chelation allows your heart to function normally.  

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