I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Healthy Holidays - a different way to give gifts

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Nov 27, 2015 3:20:51 PM

Give the gift of health this year. Forget the mall brawls over flat screen T.V.s and other digital devices. 

Give everyone the gift of health. We have gift certificates. 

OPERATION REBUILD YOUR FAMILY'S IMMUNE SYSTEM  All of our recommendations can be ordered from our VIRTUAL PHARMACY on our website for convenience.   

I recommend Xymogen's Viragraphis, ProbioMax DF and GlutAloeMine to reduce your viral loads. If you want to knock out the viruses then we offer I.V. ozone therapies. 

Design For Health G.I. Revive, comes in caps  or powder  - easy to add to a shake or take 3 caps with lunch and 3 caps with dinner. This formula is a leader for gastrointestinal health. Our best immu ne shake is Xymogen's OptiCleanse GHI Sugar and Stevia Free. 

Xymogen's IgG 26 DF -  These are breakthrough immunoglobulins that enable the immune system to recognize foreign microbes and block their invasion.  Absolutely, this is the formula for individuals who did not breastfeed or were delivered via C-section.  And for everyone else our normal secretion of immunoglobulins is reduced when we're under stress so everybody needs immunoglobulins during the holidays. 

Don't forget to schedule your holiday colonics.  Our schedule is filling up.  You can still get a big discount if you buy a series.  Whether you start your transformation now or in the new year - WE ARE YOUR DETOX EXPERTS.  

Winter Solstice  We are coming to the end of the year.  It is a busy time with holiday preparations, family meltdowns, over indulgences and usually less sleep.  It's normal for many animals to hibernate at this time of year.  Most people are in high gear and rarely get enough sleep let alone good quality sleep. If you want sugar plums dancing in your head while you slumber on a big feather bed. 

Try Insomnitol from Designs for Health (DFH). This formula of gentle botanicals, nutrients and neurotransmitters gets you to sleep and keeps you asleep.  This is not habit-forming. Visit our virtual pharmacy and click DFH. Take two caps 30 - 60 minutes before bedtime.  Wake up refreshed for a new day. 


