I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Herpes and Alzheimer's Disease

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 21, 2020 5:30:00 PM

Do you have chronic herpes infections?  A Swedish study showed that Herpes simplex virus doubled the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Wouldn't you want to reduce your odds of getting Alzheimer's?I check Second Nature patients for several viral loads because when I identify specific viruses I can pinpoint and offer better treatment options.  

I have successfully reduced viral loads with herbs, RX homeopathic remedies, immune enhancement agents, but now we have a better and more effective modality.  Ozone therapy.

It can be used in I.V. form, drinking ozonated water, breathing it in via nasal cannula and topical applications.  Once released in the body ozone molecules go after pathogens and destroy them.  

Most of my patients have recovered from acute infections, but have high titre antibodies after the original infection. If they become immuno-suppressed then stored viruses can come out of dormancy and proliferate in the system causing oxidative stress damage.  Original symptoms get expressed like: chronic fatigue, joint pain, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, disrupted menstrual cycles, brain fog, chronic sinus infections and thyroid issues. Chronic disease involves an impaired immune system.  That means correcting your gut flora first.   

The Swedish study advocates the use of Acyclovir a known anti-viral to combat herpes simplex and possibly to stop the progression of Alzheimer's and even regain function in Alzheimer's patients.

Naturopathic medicine offers anti-viral protocols and ozone to eradicate the virus with no side effects.  

What are the current Alzheimer's stats?  Five million in the US have Alzheimer's and 500,000 die of it every year.  It is not an easy decline as affected patients live about 20 years from diagnosis till death depleting all personal resources.  

Ozone is safe and cost-effective.