I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

In Utero Microbiome - The Beginning

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Feb 19, 2021 12:33:32 AM

Over the past few year’s, doctors have been researching the human microbiome. Their research suggests that the trillions of bacteria living inside our guts may be playing a role in everything from cancer to autoimmune disease, to cognitive function and mental health.

When does the microbiome begin the form?

Could the womb and placenta be a completely sterile environment? Does a baby come in contact with bacteria when the baby is born? Or is the mother transferring microbes to her child during pregnancy forming the fetal microbiome during gestation?

A new study now has evidence suggesting that the microbiome does in fact begin to develop in utero. The new research which has examined several human, and animal, mother-child pairs, propose not only the existence of a fetal microbiome but suggests a dynamic fetal bacterial population that shifts in diversity from mid to late gestation.

“The new research first studied a number of human mother-child pairs by taking samples from the operating room at the time of cesarean delivery. Comparing a mother’s vaginal, placental, and fecal microbiota with her offspring’s oral and meconium microbiota, the researchers suggest newborn infants do possess a microbiome that hypothetically originates from in utero sources, and not merely due to contamination or exposure during the birthing process.

The study comes to a confident conclusion that a complex and dynamic fetal microbiome does indeed exist. 

We offer GI MAP testing to see your real time microbiome. Once we identify issues in your microbiome, we can create strategic treatment protocols. We have protocols for infants, toddlers, teens and adults. 

The featured photo is my grandson whose mom took great care with her intestinal microbiome during pregnancy and when he was born - he got infant biotics early. He is a happy energetic boy.