I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

5 Medical Foods for Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Second Nature Care

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Aug 1, 2016 10:28:19 AM

IBS is a common disabling functional disorder in the industrialized world that has several root causes.  A person's genomics and their environment, both internal and external, influence disease expression.  Find out how you can better control IBS with diet.  

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

Most diagnosed with IBS say that their symptoms are triggered by specific foods. What we eat goes into our digestive tract where it is broken down by our intestinal microbiome.  The food we consume and the health of our microbiome determines how well we break down, assimilate and absorb food fermentation products.  

There are different types of IBS.  

  • IBS with constipation 
  • IBS with diarrhea
  • IBS with constipation and diarrhea
  • IBS with neither constipation or diarrhea

What other factors affect IBS? High stress and high volume stress, psychiatric issues, thinking difficulties, gastrointestinal hypersensitivity, suppressed immune regulation, leaky gut, impaired muscle movement in the bowels and unbalanced gut bacteria.

Does leaky gut cause IBS ? It can. Disturbed gut flora is linked to IBS

New IBS diagnoses is preceded by gastroenteritis (intestinal infection) and antibiotic use. 

Intestinal colonization begins in the womb.  Vaginal delivery and breastfed infants have a long-term health advantage because infants are colonized with Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, Prevotella and Lactobacillus spp. at birth. Breast-fed infant's microbiome is dominated by Bifidobacterium spp which supports the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system throughout childhood and adolescence.  When solid foods are introduced then the microbiome shifts to an adult composition. 

How does diet affect the composition of the microbiome?

Those who eat a diet high in plant-derived carbohydrates have a more diverse microbiome rich in Prevotella spp. and less Bacteroides spp. compared to diets high in animal proteins, sugar, starch and fats. Protein and animal fats are with associated with increased numbers of Bacteroides spp., and high carbohydrate diets with Prevotella spp.

Extreme dietary switches do affect the microbiome and change the bacteria structure, metabolic activity and gene expression within days. If you eat mostly meat and fat you will produce more bile-tolerant bacteria and short-chain fatty acids as a marker of amino-acid fermentation.  Bacteria, (Ruminococcus bromii, Roseburia, Eubacterium rectale), that metabolize plant polysaccharides are decreased.  

This sheds some light on the microbiome differences between Paleo followers and Vegans. 

Most patients I see have already guessed and eliminated certain foods without testing. This increases their risk of inadequate dietary nutrients. I take the guess work out of the equation with ALCAT or Elisa/ACT testing to pinpoint food allergens. 

How is the microbiome different in IBS patients?

Firmicutes Clostridium cluster XIVa and Ruminococcaceae are increased and Bacteroides is depleted.  

The biggest suspects that provoke abdominal pain and increased gas include:

  • wheat and grains 
  • vegetables
  • milk products and milk proteins 
  • fatty foods
  • spicy foods
  • coffee
  • alcohol

It's worth trying the FODMAPS diet if you have IBS.  If you have proven fructose or lactose malabsorption; it's a definite try.  You will probably experience significant improvement with all of your symptoms. 

5 Medical Foods for IBS

  1. Probiotics, synbiotics and prebiotics are useful in the treatment of IBS
  2. Soluble fiber is beneficial 
  3. Bone broth is nutrient dense food that heals the gut.
  4. Add Great Lakes gelatin to your bone broth.
  5. Butyrate and glutamine are food for your small intestine and large intestine colonic cells.
  6. To heal the gut faster I have my patients mix Xymogen's VegaPro (zero carbs and no allergens) with GlutAloeMine and ProbioMax Plus DF into water and drink this for every meal for 21 days. Every patient has reversed their acute inflammatory condition.  

We offer I.V. ozone and rectal insufflation ozone in our Piermont office.