I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Is your Man Bun Costing you Your Hair - RegeneMax Plus - Ozone - Genetics

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Feb 16, 2017 10:00:00 AM

About 80 million people in the United States are affected by its No. 1 cause, hereditary hair loss.

Whether you love it or hate the "man bun" hair trend is growing in popularity and along with it, it has sparked a new hair loss trend "man bun traction alopecia". "Man Bun Traction Alopecia" is causing the hair line to recede due to tightly pulled hair.

By paying attention to hair loss is not just a question of appearance or aesthetics; hair loss can also indicate declining health. It is important to to consider and add to the hair loss list: chemical hair treatments, hairstyles that can cause traction alopecia, and behaviors such as compulsive hair pulling when diagnosing hair loss. Here are some common causes of hair loss :

Genes, Environmental Exposures, Poor Circulation and Stress

  • You are behind the eight ball because you are genetically predisposed to this condition. 
  • Your hormones are shifting and you probably have low testosterone or low T. You stop producing normal head hair. 
  • Heavy metals and chemical exposures interfere with normal hair growth. 
  • You have poor circulation to your scalp.
  • Your scalp has localized microinflammation which means that you probably have systemic inflammation. Time to check your cardiovascular risk factors and C-reactive protein levels. 
  • You are under chronic stress and it's time to do something about it. If you are not going to sign up for hot yoga or meditation then I have some nutraceutical recommendations to lower your cortisol levels. 

What are the current treatments to regrow hair?

You have heard of finasteride, a pharmaceutical, that converts testosterone to the active 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Finasteride inhibits the 5 alpha-reductase enzymes in the short-term, but in the long-term prolonged use can affect sexual function by creating low sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Great, so now you have hair loss and a new problem. Not great for your already shaky self-esteem. 

What are some natural treatments to regrow my hair?

  • Drink 2-4 cups of green tea daily.
  • Eat natural 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors like: dark berries like: blueberries, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries because these foods inhibit protein kinase C.
  • Herbs like: Trifolium, Pueraria, Panax ginseng, Curcuma aeruginosa and Polygonum multiflora can be used topically and internally to inhibit 5 alph-reductase. Ask me about a supplement form that is easy to take. 
  • Towel dry your head vigorously each day and do a scalp massage with Weleda's Rosemary oil. 
  • Take Xymogen's RegeneMax Plus - Take 2 caps of Xymogen's Regenemax - the only supplement that has passed double-blind studies for hair regrowth. Adrenal Manager and AdrenaMax rebalance your stress hormones and support your adrenals.

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