I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Kale the Poisoner's Poison - Could Kale be the Culprit?

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jan 4, 2016 9:35:21 PM

When you make your favorite green smoothie or try out that new juice cleanse you might want to hold the kale. 

Everyone loves kale, especially my bearded dragon Charlie (it's his favorite). Hi. It's Winter.

Kale has been rising in popularity for the past few years and not without reason. Juice and smoothie hotspots are adopting kale as a staple in their green drinks. Kale tastes great and has tons of health benefits. It contains fiber, potassium, Vitamin C and B6. So what could be wrong with consuming large amounts of kale, right?

Recent studies have shown that people consuming kale more than three times a week are showing higher levels of very toxic metal thallium in their urine. There is a strong corellation between the consumption of kale and elevated thallium levels. You can thank the contaminated soil for this. Kale sucks up thallium from contaminated soil. 

Dr. G. sees many patients who test with high thallium on their urine toxic metal tests. What's your total body burden? Find out in 2016. 

Many people who were doing detox juice cleanses to feel healthier were becoming sick. Only upon stopping these juice cleanses did they begin to find relief. 

What is thallium? What are its affects in the body?

Thallium is a metal more toxic than mercury or lead. It was prohibited from use in all products in 1972 due to the severity of it's toxicity. It dissolves quite rapidly and disperses itself into every cell in the body. 

Thallium has multiple effects on the body. Symtoms of chronic exposure to thallium include: fatigue, headaches, depression, hallucinations, psychosis, dementia, poor appetite, leg pain, hair loss and/or disturbances in vision. 

Acute exposure can cause a number of gastrointestinal symptoms such as mild to severe abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting. A few days after an accute exposure you can start to experience numbness, tingling, shooting pains and/or burning sensations in the skin. 

Thallium also affects the liver, kidneys and heart. 

Do not worry. You do not have to stop enjoying your beloved kale all together. Try to always eat organic and keep your kale consumption under three times/per week should be safe. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. 

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above head over to Second Nature Care. We can test for the levels of heavy metals in the body, and focus on providing the right treatment for you. For heavy metal exposure we offer safe and effective ozone chelation therapy to remove the toxins from the bloodstream. 


