Second Nature Care Blog

Lead and Violence - Ozone Chelation

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 10, 2015 9:00:00 AM / by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim

Second Nature Care Environmental Detoxification and Ozone Chelation

We accumulate heavy metals and other toxins in utero and outside of the womb. Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other metals are in our food, water and air. Lead poisoning is linked to violent behaviors; find our why.....

Lead poisoning can affect every socio-economic group, but it is more prevalent in poor black communities where lead abatement resources are limited.

Young adults from a poor black neighborhood in Cincinnati, Ohio did MRI brain scans and those who were exposed to lead as toddlers showed "subtle, permanent and devastating" brain changes.

Lead reduces the amount of gray matter in the brain - the part that supports concentration, emotional regulation and impulse control. Lead affects and scrambles white matter tissue - the part that regulates signals to other areas in the brain for normal brain development.  

Lead scars brain tissue. Lead is linked to crime and violence. 


This association does not condone violence or criminal behavior, but instead shines a light on the need for heavy metal testing and environmental detoxification. 

Economists, criminologists and education experts are interested in understanding lead poisoning.  Lead poisoning costs taxpayers because of health issues, law enforcement and special education needs. 

High lead neighborhoods correlate to high crime and academic failures.  Children from these neighborhoods test positive for dangerously high levels of lead. 

If your child has behavoir issues, ADD, ADHD or other concentration issues get them testing for lead and other metals. We offer accurate blood and urine tests for heavy metals. Blood tests are covered by insurance and toxic metals in urine testing is financially accessible. 

We offer oral and I.V. treatments to get your metals out. Ozone chelation is a proven treatment for heavy metal toxicity. 

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Topics: Detoxification

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963