I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Let's Get Real About Ozone

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Oct 5, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Most of you searching for ozone therapies have heard different stories . . .By now, you know ozone is safe and effective. It has demonstrated positive results in Vascular disease, Cardiovascular disease, Neurodegeneration diseases, Type II diabetes, skin conditions, Lyme, Cancers, Autoimmune conditions, Environmental Detoxification, Chronic Inflammation, Chronic Infections, Mitochondrial Repair, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Musculoskeletal conditions, Immune support and so on. 

Ozone stimulates multiple antioxidant transcription response elements. What does that mean? Ozone stimulates antioxidant enzymes that are life-affirming. SOD, GPX, Glutathione transferase or GSTr, Catalase or CAT, Heme-Oxygenase or HO-1, NADPH Quinone-Oxidoreductase or NQO-1 and Phase II liver enzymes for drug metabolism and heat shock proteins. These antioxidants protect our cells from oxidation, inflammation and they reverse the effects of chronic oxidative stress. 

Ozone activates NrF2 pathway. NrF2 suppresses inflammatory messengers, cancer growth and protects against neurodegenerative diseases like: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia. 

Ozone is far more reactive than Oxygen. When compared, Ozone has many more benefits. Ozone raises 4-HNE levels in the blood which act as defensive agents against toxic compounds.

If humans continue to burn fossil fuel, coal, oil and virgin forests - we will have a 40% increase of mortality (deaths) due to an abnormal ozone concentration in the troposphere. This will lead to a new Paleocene-ecocene thermal maximum "fever period." We all be overwhelmed by pathological effects due to inflammation and cell degeneration on our lungs, liver, heart, kidneys and brain. Vital organs will be subjected to "toxic rain." (Sagai, M., & Bocci, V. 2011)

What can you do about it? Start to live healthy. Change your diet, exercise, get good quality of sleep, take recommended vitamin/minerals based on real labs, incorporate ozone. We want to make America and global citizens healthy again. 

Our practice is unique. Only licensed providers (doctors/nurse practitioners) administer the ozone therapies. We don't relegate sessions to medical techs. We take the time to do an appropriate consult. We actively listen to your story. Based on your story, current labs, imaging and procedures - we construct your individualized treatment protocol.

We have the latest most advanced equipment from Germany which has been proven over and over again to be accurate in analysis. We are up-to-date with the most recent ozone literature. Dr. Guggenheim regularly presents clinical cases at annual Ozone conferences. https://thepowerofozone.com/how-accurate-is-the-green-machine/

The $$$. Our advanced equipment is top notch. We never re-use any equipment, hence, no cross-contamination of any kind. We follow strict infection control guidelines. If homeopathic medicines are used in the treatment - we only charge what it cost us. There is no profit margin. There are other clinics that give 20-100 ml of ozone each session for 100 - 150 dollars. We give a second pass for free every session if possible so you get 500 ml of ozone for 250.00 dollars. We added up how many times a patient would have to visit one clinic who gives 20 ml of ozone compared to our one visit of receiving 500 ml. Those patients would have to visit the other clinic 25 times to get what we give in one visit. That is not including: bridge and tunnel fees, parking and wait time. Your scheduled visit is your time and no one else's.  We are located in a comfortable location with free parking. Patients feel safe and comfortable in our homey environment as they walk past a bountiful garden in the Summer/Fall. 

If you want to dive into the biochemistry behind ozone, Dr. Guggenheim will be presenting at the annual NYANP conference in NYC on Sunday October 7th. She will be presenting Ozone Chelation cases and how she has successfully addressed elevated toxic metals effectively and efficiently with Ozone Chelation. She was able to reduce the standard chelation sessions from 30-40 treatments down to 10-12 making it cost effective for patients.

Our mission is for you to achieve better health.

10 Signs You Need Ozone Therapies Now

6 Misconceptions About Ozone Therapies

Advanced Ozone Therapy




Sagai, M., & Bocci, V. (2011). Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress? Medical Gas Research1, 29. http://doi.org/10.1186/2045-9912-1-29