I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Migraine and Melatonin

Written by Isadora Guggenheim & Winter Ninivaggi | Sep 28, 2016 12:30:02 AM

Natural Migraine Treatments

 Migraines can be debilitating. Excruciating pain, auras that completely block out part or all of eyesight.

They affect 12%-20% of the world's population and are more common in women.

A recent study sought to test the effects of melatonin on migraine occurrence. The researchers tested melatonin, amitriptyline and a placebo in 3 groups.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm. Amitriptyline is a nerve pain medication that can also be used in the treatment of depression as well as migraines.

They found that although both superior to the placebo, the melatonin was superior to the amitriptyline in reduction of number of analgesics used, duration and intensity and occurrence of migraine headache. 

Women should also keep in mind that if they do suffer from migraine headaches they need to go the extra mile for heart health as well. Women who suffer from migraine headaches are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases later in life. Females are at higher risk of stroke and heart attacks who suffer from migraines then those who do not.

One of our newest medical weapons of choice for heart disease is I.V. ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is cited in the literature as a valuable treatment in the fight against heart disease. All ozone treatments are MD supervised and RN/NP administered in NYS. 

Another front line of natural migraine defense is medical marijuana. Researchers found that the monthly occurrence of migraine headaches significantly decreased with medical marijuana use. The patients who inhaled the marijuana were those who reported aborted migraine headaches. Patients who ingested edible marijuana reported negative effects in terms of the intensity. This was a report only found in the patients who ate the edible marijuana. 

Medical Marijuana vaporization is legal in New York and smoking is not. 

Keep up with our recent blogs about Medical Marijuana to learn more about the process of being referred. Call 845 680-6600 or 845 358-8385 or email www.doctor@drjanisenzenbacher.com 

Don't let migraine headaches control your life!

3 Secrets to Great Health

6 Misconceptions about Ozone

10 Signs your Need Ozone









*All ozone therapies are MD ordered and supervised and RN administered in New York state.