I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Mood Disorders - Beyond Big Pharma Natural Proven Treatments

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Feb 11, 2021 1:17:07 PM

A person affected by mood disorders experiences periods of extreme happiness, extreme sadness or both that last at least several weeks. The most common mood disorders are major depression, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern. 21.4% of US adults with experience mood disorders however women stand at 11.6% while men stand at 7.7%. Around the world depression affects 300 million people while bipolar disorder affects 45 million people worldwide. Unfortunately there is a burden of cost on many people suffering from mood disorders so many go undiagnosed. 

Why Alternatives are Needed. 

Alternatives are needed because while medications certainly have their role they also have their short comings. They are expensive, require a diagnosis and come with a slew of side effects. It has also been well established that in mild to moderate depression, medication is no more effective then placebo. To better understand mood disorders and provide a more effective treatment, it is beneficial to look at underlying etiologies, risk factors and genetics. We offer advanced testing to find your root cause of your mood disorder. We also offer I.V. Ozone therapies and we have found that a side benefit of this therapy is that it addresses mood disorders. Patients immediately feel better. 

Vitamins and Minerals. 

Vitamin B12 is involved in DNA synthesis and red blood formation, B12 is also heavily involved in the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Studies that shown that as many as 30% of patients hospitalized with depression have a deficiency with this vitamin. Other vitamins and minerals proven to help with mood disorders are Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Omega 3 fatty acids and Amino Acids. We will construct a careful nutraceutical strategy to address your unbalanced neurotransmitters. Don't wait. Call us to schedule your new patient consult and same day treatment.