I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Natural Healing for the Heart - Strophanthus, I.V. Chelation, Empire City Labs

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jun 14, 2019 10:15:43 AM

Strophanthus "The Insulin of the Heart"

Although coronary artery bypass surgery can effectively relieve symptoms, it does not prevent further heart attacks, and only high-risk patients benefit from bypass surgery in regards to chance of survival. Similar results have been found for stent placement.

"Instead of performing surgery to place new grafts into the heart, the blockages are mechanically opened up and stents are placed in the coronary arteries to keep vessels open. " (Cowan, 2018)

Metabolic acidosis is one of the most important reasons people suffer from angina, unstable angina, and MIs. The build-up of lactic acid in the myocardial tissues is the final common pathway in all cases. Because of parasympathetic disease, coupled with micro-circulatory problems, the heart finds itself in a stressful situation one in which it is forced to undergo a glycotic shift.

We improve cardiac circulation with I.V. Ozone and biologics. We also check for LP (a) which is a marker to show coronary heart disease, meaning, your arteries supplying the heart are in trouble. 

An African perennial vine called strophanthus makes seeds that contain the active ingredient referred to as g-strophanthin in Europe and ouabain in the UD.  Ouabain is a copy of the hormone made by the adrenal cortex.  It has many functions that are useful in treating patients with heart disease.  It is used as the main treatment for the prevention of MIs in Germany for many decades, ouabain has been shown to the parasympathetic nervous system, improve the micro-circulation and convert lactic acid into a nutrient for that heart. (Cowan, 2018)

Our cardiac patients take Strophanthus in oral form.

If you do not have high blood pressure or heart disease it is still important to maintain good heart health. Almost half of all adults in America are projected to suffer from some type of cardiovascular disease or hypertension within the next 15 years. Do not wait until that happens. Drink your beet juice and do aerobic exercise to keep you heart healthy.

At Second Nature care we can work with you to understand your total body health and guide you to help you stay healthy without ingesting harmful chemicals. We also offer safe, effective I.V Ozone chelation and inhalation therapy to kick start your heart health. We also provide full lab work ups for free through Empire City Labs (if your insurance is on their list) to get to the root of your total body burden.  Use the link below to learn more about Ozone therapy with our free eBook. 

Balance and Cardiovascular Disease

Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

Healthy Heart - Ozone Chelation Therapy

Cowan, T., MD. (2018, May). Strophanthus - A Tonic for the Heart. Townsend Letter, (418), 57-59.