I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Natural Shingles Treatment

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Oct 13, 2016 9:00:00 AM

You've seen the commercials about adult shingles. Painful vesicles that take weeks to heal. Before Terry Bradshaw breaks into your house here are some Natural Treatments to prevent and treat Shingles. 

Shingles, or Herpes zoster, is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus which normally lays dormant in the dorsal root ganglia in the spinal cord after a primary infection of chicken pox is over. Once the immune system is breached or suppressed because of age, disease or medications, this virus can re-emerge and produce horrific dermatone patterns of painful vesicles that can last 30 days, months or longer. Some people become afflicted with post-herpetic neuralgia - burning stabbing pain that lasts for 3 or more months after the initial lesions have healed. 

One in 3 in the U.S. will develop shingles during their lifetime. 

The ads on T.V. market the shingles vaccine which is a live virus and is contradindicated for those who are already immunosuppressed, have an autoimmune condition or cancer. 

What are the current treatments for shingles? 

Acyclovir is used to abate the herpes virus and oxycodone the addictive narcotic is used to alleviate pain. 

What are natural treatments to prevent and treat shingles?

Remember the BASICS

  • Clean up your diet. Viruses thrive on sugar, alcohol and simple carbs. 
  • Drink a high oxygen green juice daily especially during the colder months.
  • Get enough good quality sleep nightly.
  • Moderate exercise daily. 
  • Natural homeopathic shingles remedy
  • I.V. Ozone treatment with specific medicine for Herpes Zoster
  • Ozone cream applied directly on the lesion (heals quickly)

Take your Xymogen's Immunotix 500, ProbioMax DF and Viragraphis daily. We also have natural shingles vaccines. For those who have patiently waited we have our natural flu vaccine in at the end of this week.


Shingles Quiz

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If I have a shingles episode what natural treatments are available?

I offer I.V. ozone with added botanicals that are proven anti-virals, anti-inflammatories and analgesics for immediate relief. We can add Glycyrrhiza glabra and Hypericum perforatum in injectable form. We can compound special formulas in a salve form to apply to the topical lesions. I also have a special glass cup that delivers ozone directly to the lesions and potent ozone infused olive oil for topical application. Aloe vera gel is another botanical that can be applied directly to the lesions. 

One of our older patients used to be plagued with shingle outbreaks, but she applies ozone cream on the area and does not experience any outbreaks. 





*All ozone therapies are MD ordered and supervised and RN administered