Second Nature Care Blog

Nature vs. Nuture - Your Intestinal Microbiome

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 28, 2020 11:38:00 AM / by Isadora Guggenheim


Your genes and environmental exposures influence your gut bacteria.  Your gut bacteria affects your metabolism.  This either turns on or off your obesity genes.  

Researchers found that identical twins have similar gut microbiomes.  More similar than those of fraternal twins.  

They found one unknown inherited species of Christensenellaceae and a well-known species of Bacteroidetes which is not inherited, but influenced by environmental factors.  

Individuals with lower body weight had more Christensenellaceae species and this species was protective against weight gain.  This species is the one you want for your birthday.  

Our gut flora is influenced by our genes.  This means you can personalize your probiotic therapy and reduce your risk of obesity-related diseases.  We currently offer this at Second Nature.  

Get Healthy Today! 

This research had led to a widespread promotion of microbiome testing in the United Kingdom through the British Gut Project.  Individuals in the UK can have their personal microbes tested genetically so researchers can discover the links between gut health and disease.  

In the meantime, schedule your microbiome consult with us so we can recommend individualized probiotics that support your good health. 

Topics: The Scoop on Poop, Gut Repair, Body Health

Isadora Guggenheim

Written by Isadora Guggenheim

Isadora Guggenheim, ND, FNP, RN, MS, CNS, LMT, owner of Second Nature Naturopathic Care, LLC
For all appointments: Tel: 845 358-8385 Fax: 845 358-2963