I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Pain Management with Ozone Therapy

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Jun 1, 2015 7:06:07 PM

Smokers and passive smokers need more anesthesia during surgery. 

38% more propofol for smokers and 18% more for passive smokers to reach anesthetic requirements. Smoking cigarettes increases your need for more anesthesia. 

Why? Nicotine affects the metabolism of anesthetic drugs in the liver.  Since cigarettes contain over 5000 chemicals that get detoxed in the liver; the liver can't efficiently process other medications. 

Researchers know that cigarette smoke is a brain stimulant and those on stimulants need higher doses of anesthesia to "go under." 

Fortunately, we offer ozone therapy before and after your surgical procedure for pain management, tissue healing and anesthesia detox. You'll recover faster with ozone therapy. Ozone kills nosocomial infections that create surgical complications. Our patients use it instead of antibiotics. 

And if you're still on the fence about quitting smoking - we're here to make your next quit date a success. We have effective medicines to start taking before you set your quit date and after your quit date for successful smoking cessation.  

Let us know when your next surgical procedure is and let's schedule an I.V. ozone session the day before and one during your recovery phase for faster tissue healing. We can do ozone injections into your surgical scar to release the autonomic nervous system.  


