I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Quarantine Questions and Answers

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Apr 28, 2020 7:36:04 PM

And the quarantine goes on. People want to get out, get some sunshine, physical exercise and as social animals - they want to connect. So many unanswered questions about access to tests, are they reliable, if you are positive - how do we interpret the data - are you still contagious and what if you test negative, but have symptoms or no symptoms? Aside from unanswerable questions right now - let's stay with what you can control. 

Connect with a living being - connection is key to feeling hopeful 

Plant a seed or two inside and watch it grow

Cuddle with your pet or your friend's pet - we all need to be touched in order to live - Read Touching: The Human Significance of Skin by Ashley Montagu - when we touch we connect and we secrete oxytocin - the feel good hormone 

Watch the little animals in your neighborhood from your window

Don't forget to exercise inside and outside. You have to move the molecules to stimulate the lymphatic system. This helps with the detoxification process and gets rid of cellular waste. Can't exercise at all? Then I recommend Xymogen's Mitochondrial Renewal, Resveratin Plus or ATP Ignite Workout

If you're constipated - let's fix that. You have to take the garbage out. Xymogen's ColonX - 2-4 capsules at bedtime 

Can't sleep? Then try Xymogen's Sedalin 1 cap at bedtime or Melatonin CR - good quality sleep is essential for good health

Worried about detox? Worry no more. Xymogen's MedCaps DPO address phase 1 and 2 in the liver XenoProtX 2 caps per day OncoPlex ES 1 cap per day or Liver Protect 2 caps per day 

www.wholescripts.com Passcode: SECOND NATURE Practitioner: GUGGENHEIM 

Some Good news from around the world 

See what the librarians found about Ozone and Vitamin C 


Dr. Rowen on Ozone 


What is ozone and why is everyone talking about it?

Listen to Ozone Therapy: Strengthen Your Immunity and Combat Viruses - Dave Asprey Talks with Dr. Frank Shallenberger from Bulletproof Radio on Apple Podcasts. https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpodcasts.apple.com%2Fus%2Fpodcast%2Fbulletproof-radio%2Fid451295014%3Fi%3D1000472430469&data=02%7C01%7C%7C388197bb456548e4774b08d7e91f4dbe%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637234192957260230&sdata=xlClipZcOkI1K3PdvV8rB96JJ3%2BvB4EYbFyEp4njf40%3D&reserved=0

A walk back in history. Remember 60 Minutes and the Swine Flu episode?


Oh my! Really? Better watch this one 

Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast | GreenSmoothieGirl

I think that is plenty of homework for everyone. Breathe deeply. And don't forget to microwave your dish sponges 30 seconds. 

See you on the other side with better health than ever. Your ozone expert.

Dr. Isadora Guggenheim ND, FNP, RN, CNS, MS, LMT

