I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Smoking with MS - Truth Out - Ozone Therapy

Written by Isadora Guggenheim | Mar 17, 2017 9:00:00 AM
Smoking and MS. It's not good.
Smoking causes an endless amount of health problems, including the increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Not only does it increase the chance of getting MS but, it also makes therapies for MS less effective. Patients with MS who smoke tend to have greater MRI-detectable brain shrinkage and greater numbers of MRI-detectable plaques. Even exposure to second hand smoke can increase your risk. MS patients who quit smoking can delay the onset of secondary progressive MS by about 8 years.
We have smoking cessation protocols that work even if you are not quite ready to quit smoking. Safe, effective homeopathic formulas can be taken daily to change your relationship to smoking. We can sit down and create your "quit plan" that is free of nicotine. We can support your brain chemistry, moods, blood sugar regulation and ultimate detoxification with gentle remedies. Detoxification must be done carefully and slowly so you don't get sick while you are getting better.
I.V. Ozone can attract the toxic residue from cigarettes in your bloodstream and capture it so those toxic metabolites are removed from your body. We can add in German biologics to support your lungs, immune, colon, heart, liver and kidneys. All I.V. therapies are MD ordered in NYS.
Now that you've read, take this quick quiz to test your knowledge.
1. Smokers are approximately _____ times more likely to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis than non-smokers are.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
2. True or False. Smoking can decrease the effectiveness of certain therapies against MS.

A. True
B. False
3. In MS patients who smoke compared to MS patients who have never smoked, there is greater __________.

A. MRI-detectable brain shrinkageB. Number of MRI-detectable MS plaques
C. Time to higher level of disability
D. A and B
4. True or False. As exposure to second-hand smoke increases, risk of MS development also increases.
A. True
B. False
5. MS patients who quit smoking will delay the onset of secondary progressive MS by approximately _____ years.

A. 5
B. 8
C. 12
At Second Nature we use safe and effective Ozone treatments to provide treatment for those with MS. Ozone has proven to show positive results in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
We offer smoking cessation programs and environmental detoxification.  We are your DETOX EXPERTS. Make 2017 your year to become smoke-free.  
Answer Key:
1. A. 2 - According to data cited by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “[c]ompared to non-smokers, smokers are almost two times more likely to be diagnosed with MS.”

2. A. True - According to information cited by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, smokers are at higher risk of developing MS and are also more likely to “develop antibodies that make some of the multiple sclerosis medicines ineffective.”

3. D. A and B - According to information cited by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “the time to reach a higher level of disability (use of a cane, walker, or assistive device) is shorter in people who smoke than in those who have never smoked or who have stopped smoking. Further study involving MRI measures has shown more shrinkage of the brain and increased number of multiple sclerosis plaques in people who smoke compared to those who have never smoked or stopped smoking.”

4. A. True -According to information cited by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “[t]he risk of developing MS increases with the amount of cigarette smoking or second- hand smoke exposure.”

5. B. 8 - According to information cited by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, “[t]he time to develop secondary progressive multiple sclerosis is delayed by 8 years in people with MS who quit smoking compared to current smokers.”