I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Sugar Coating Alzheimer's - I.V. Ozone I.V. Better Brain Health - Xymogen's NeuroActive Brain Sustain

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Apr 11, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Sugar and Alzheimer's.


In a recent study, higher intake of sugary beverages (i.e sodas) was associated with cross-section markers of preclinical Alzheimer's disease. The association between sugary beverages with neuropsychological magnetic resonance imaging markers of preclinical Alzheimer disease and vascular brain injury was compelling.

Make today a soda-free day. Make this the first day of giving up artificially sweetened beverages to actively protect your brain. You have the power. Use it today.

The researchers found, relative to consuming less than one sugary beverages per day was associated with lower total brain volume and poorer performance on tests of episodic memory. Daily fruit juice was also associated wit lower brain volume and poor episodic memory and also hippocampal volume.

It is not unknown that high sugar intake, glucose levels and diabetes increase the risk of Alzheimer's.

The cause of Alzheimer disease is unknown. Several investigators now believe that converging environmental and genetic risk factors trigger a pathophysiologic cascade that, over decades, leads to Alzheimer pathology and dementia.

You can keep your blood sugar better regulated with Xymogen's CinnDromeX. MonoPure 1300 EC and NeuroActives BrainSustain offer support for comprehensive brain function and health.

We recognize elevated heavy metals that cross the blood brain barrier as risk factors for Alzheimer disease. We test and treat heavy metal toxicity with I.V. ozone chelation therapy. It's safe, effective, advanced treatment that prevents further damage. All ozone and I.V. nutrient therapies are MD ordered in NYS.

Second Nature Care Better Brain Health 

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