I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Summer Mosquito Safety West Nile Virus - I.V. Ozone

Written by Winter Ninivaggi | Jul 24, 2023 5:11:00 PM

Summer safety!


If you like to spend your summer nights outdoors you are no stranger to mosquito bites. After a 4th of July BBQ and a couple nights enjoying the weather on my deck, I am covered in swollen, itchy red marks. Everyone has their own special trick to stopping the itch from Windex, saliva, honey, or baking soda, we've heard them all. 

What is more worrisome than the annoyance of a mosquito bite? West Nile Virus.


West Nile Virus is a very real thing.   Symptoms include: fever, body aches, skin rash and swollen lymph nodes. More severe symptoms include stiff neck, sleepiness, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions and even paralysis. Although most cases are mild and even go unreported, it is important to protect yourself and be aware of any symptoms as they can occur anywhere between 3-14 days after the initial bite.

Protect yourself and your family!  Make sure to always use insect repellent when you are going to be spending time outside, especially at night. (There are natural repellent options if you want to stay away from the harsh chemicals.)  If weather permitting, wear clothing that covers you and spray clothes with repellent as well. Keep mosquitoes out of the home by using screens on windows and the air conditioning on if possible. Mosquitoes come out at dusk and gather especially in damp areas and at still bodies of water.

West Nile is especially dangerous for those 50 and older. If you think you are experiencing symptoms it is important to contact your doctor immediately. The CDC offers guides with information about West Nile, and a more extensive list of prevention recommendations. Stay safe from mosquitoes and ticks this summer!

Like Zika virus, West Nile virus can be sexually transmitted.

We offer I.V. ozone therapy with medicines that address symptoms. We have successfully treated Dengue Fever with I.V. Ozone and other mosquito borne illnesses.


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