I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Teen Asthma, Obesity and Type II Diabetes - Second Nature Care

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | May 6, 2015 3:13:22 AM

It could be your daughter or son with asthma that might be struggling with obesity and diabetes. What can you do?

Chances are if your teen has asthma they may have two more co-morbidities. Obesity and Diabetes. 

If their lung function is poor they might be at higher risk for insulin resistance. I test Second Nature teens for insulin resistance, blood sugar levels, leptin and other inflammatory markers so we can individualize treatment. We check adiponectin, leptin, resistin, visfatin, IL-1,6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha. 

Insulin resistance is associated with decreased lung markers, FEV1 and FVC. These values are calculated values to diagnose obstructive and restrictive lung disease. They measure your vital capacity - what you can breathe out in the first second of expiration.  This ratio is measured by spirometry. 

Asthma is a chronic disease that must be managed.  If you can't breathe you can't live.  Modern medicine offers life-saving medicines and interventions, but a wholistic approach is better management for a chronic condition. 

Obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in teens. This can cause premature death.

What do asthma, obesity and insulin resistance all have in common?  Inflammation. 

Inflammation has to be addressed with diet changes, nutraceuticals to quench the oxidative stress and ozone therapy to prevent diabetes, improve lung function and reduce inflammation in non-acute stages. 

When you have too much sugar in your blood your cells align with a TH-2 inflammatory response which directly affects your lungs. Increased inflammatory markers light the inflammatory fire and you become insulin resistant, burden your cardiovascular system and promote Type II diabetes. Inflammatory chemicals aggravate asthma. 

Teens with asthma, obesity and diabetes age rapidly. They are predisposed to heart disease, stroke cancers and dementia.



  • I check accurate vitamin and mineral status with SpectraCell labs. We correct for any deficiences especially Vitamin D and omega 3 fats. I recommend DFH's Pulmonary Revive daily to prevent asthmatic episodes. I like Xymogen's ProbioMax DF, Immunotix 500, Adrenal Essence, CoQmax-100 CF OmegaPure 820.
  • We clear out the processed foods, sugar, dairy and carbs to reduce the inflammatory cascade. I increase non-starchy vegetables, low glycemic fruits and high quality organic proteins. Once dinner is eaten there are no more before bedtime snacks. Eating after dinner leads to more belly fat.
  • Asthma can be controlled better with deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga.
  • Insomnia drives up blood sugar levels. My patients have a set bedtime, all digital equipment is turned off and unplugged and they sleep in a dark cool room.
  • Exercise resets your metabolic rate. It increases the rate of oxygen into every cells. It is a daily must.
  • We test for heavy metals. Lead is well studied and associated with asthma, insulin resistance and obesity. We offer ozone chelation. 
  • We offer ozone inhalation and I.V. ozone therapies to increase your oxygen utilization.  A weekly session can prevent disease progression.   


