I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

Testosterone Therapy - Lowers Stroke, Heart Attack and Death

Written by Dr. Isadora Guggenheim | Aug 10, 2015 6:29:59 PM

My male friends want to stay active and remain healthy. If your energy has slipped you might want to check your testosterone levels. We run routine hormone labs on our patients at Second Nature Care. If you have low T it is worth considering using Testosterone Therapy. Why?

Why? Because bio-identical hormones used correctly can lower your risk of stroke, heart attack and death. 

The Great Testosterone Therapy Debate 

Recent studies had mixed reviews regarding testosterone therapy with some showing a positive association, no impact or a negative cause for concern.  The TOM Trial (Testosterone in Older Men) was stopped at 6 months because participants were having increased cardiac events who received testosterone therapy. The TOM trial was a small sample size of 209 and many participants had diabetes, high blood pressure and high lipid panels. 

Testerone replacement therapy in low T older men in a recent trial of over 83,000 male veterans lowered the risk for myocardial infarction, stroke and death. All of the participants had low T and no history of stroke or heart attack. 

The key to bio-identical hormone replacement begins with Hormone Testing. 

When people start taking hormones willy-nilly without the benefit of accredited baseline lab testing then unnecessary or inappropriate treatment can create new health concerns. 

How well did the hormone treatment work? Men who took testosterone therapy and achieved normal levels saw a 47% mortality benefit, an 18% heart attack benefit and a 30% stroke benefit. These results were published in the European Heart Journal.

We discuss your cardiac profile as part of your bio-identical new patient intake. We consult with your cardiologist and endocrinologist to ensure patient safety and appropriate treatment. 

What are your T levels? Schedule your short consult today so you can live long and strong tomorrow. 


