I.V. Ozone Therapies, Customized Supplements

What is in The Box? - Solutions!

Written by Isadora Guggenheim & Winter Ninivaggi | Jun 19, 2023 3:00:00 PM

The Box contains answers to your distance, time and finance concerns. 

Problem: Distance

"I am too far from Nyack, NY to come in for a consult and/or treatment"

Solution: The Box

All "The Box" Consults can be done using a phone or video appointment!  The same great care from the comfort of your own home! (or favorite coffee shop!)


Problem: Time

"My schedule is too busy to come in for an appointment"

Solution: The Box

Consultations for "The Box"  are only 20 minutes long and we work 7 days a week to bring you great health care!  


Problem: Cost

" I want to come in for an appointment but it is too expensive."

Solution: The Box

When you purchase The Box from second nature care instead of purchasing it's contents individually you are saving over 15% along with receiving supplements specifically curated to fit your needs! 


Dr. Guggenheim has created The Box so that her knowledge and clinical tools could be more accessible to all.

During your free 20 minute consult with Dr. Guggenheim she will expertly guide you to choose The Box that is right for you. At the end of your consult, Dr. Guggenheim will order The Box that's right for you and it will be shipped directly to your home! 

There are "The Box" options for a variety of conditions, health needs and general wellness options!  

Do you have trouble swallowing pills? No problem! The No Pill Box offers all the benefits and none of the pills. The Basic Box, General Wellness Box and The Brain Box all come in a no pill form! 

Here is our most popular No Pills Box:

The No Pills Box - Basic Box : Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Viruses
This box contains a a formula to support cardiovascular health, healthy immune responses and cellular detoxification.  It is a natural inhibitor of galectin-3 or Gal-3, a protein involved in cardiovascular health, anti-aging and normal balance of immune responses. Another binds to environmental toxins and contaminants, restores natural detoxification capabilities and maintains healthy gut function and beneficial flora. And finally, an anti-oxidant, immune support, liver support and master detoxifier.